


美式发音: [blɒɡə] 英式发音: ['blɒɡə(r)]





n.1.[Internet]someone who owns and updates a blog

1.博客 博客 blog 写博客的人 blogger 播客 podcast ...

7.博客服务_馆档网 ... #Blog 博客搜索 #Blogger 博客服务 #Blogspot 博客服务 ...

8.网志作者而重要的网志作者blogger)的报导,也同样会被大入口网站转载。因此,Uniqlo虽然目前为止只在日本操作网路公关,也很 …


1.In one case, a company found a popular blogger who had spoken highly of the company's brand.在一个案例中,一家公司发现了一个很受欢迎的博客作者,该作者赞扬过这家公司的品牌。

2.Has no employee with genuine passion, expertise, and customer relation skills, to act as the company's blogger.没有一个热情洋溢、知识丰富并且懂得维护客户关系的员工,来充当公司博客作者。

3.An American blogger has called for my 20-year-old son, here in Austrapa, to be kidnapped and harmed for no other reason than to get at me.一名美国博客作者甚至呼吁,到澳大利亚绑架并伤害我20岁的儿子,目的仅仅是为了抓到我。

4.Blogger David, a national serviceman in his 20s, said the fact that people can be arrested "for voicing their opinion" struck fear into him.部落客大卫的身分是个二十来岁的军人,他说民众会因为「说出他们的意见」而遭到逮捕这件事吓坏了他。

5.More than one Chinese blogger expressed to me, with a sense of awe, that Google did what they could not.不止一个中国博主向我表达了他们的敬佩——谷歌做了他们所不能做的事情。

6.Blogger Zeenie said: "The only (other) time I've heard the word 'sedition' used was in (the movie) Last of the Mohicans. "部落客Zeenie说道:「我唯一一次听到「骚乱」这个字,是在电影LastoftheMohicans里头。」

7."The toilet, a vanity project of the city administration, has no practical significance at all, " wrote a blogger on Sina. com.有新浪网的博客说,“这个公厕就是市政局的面子工程,没有一点实际作用。”

8.When it was all over, the blogger handed the 'robber' some money and gave him a hug.“表演”一结束,他马上给那名黑人“歹徒”发工钱,然后两个人还握手拥抱。

9.And there's no doubt in my mind that he would make an excellent blogger. Actually, he'd pkely be a blogging guru.我很确信马克吐温也可以成为优秀的博客。其实,他很有可能就是博客的宗师。

10.Zhao is a grassroots micro blogger. He worked out his own method to turn his micro blog into an Internet hit.赵成是一名草根微博博主,他以独特的方式让自己的微博成为了网络热门。