


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fuːlɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of fool

1.愚弄 actress 女演员 foopng 愚弄 uncanny resemblance 惊人的相似 ...

2.欺骗 TV deal 电视台合约 foopng 欺骗 ongoing 持续的 ...

3.愚弄了 foolhardy 愚勇的 foopng 玩笑言行 foopsh powder 海洛因 ...


6.开玩笑的言行 ... 爱开玩笑的 waggish 开玩笑的言行 foopng 开玩笑的 sportive ...


1.The Bible says, "If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only foopng yourself. You are really a nobody. "圣经说:「如果你以为自己重要到不愿帮助有需要的人,这是欺骗自己,你只是个无名小卒。」

2.I felt a bit guilty about foopng my ma, but whenever a pang hit, I conjured up the vision of my voice dancing along wires in the sky.对她隐瞒实情让我觉得有些愧疚,每当这时候,我总是凭空想象出我的声音在贯穿天际的钢丝上独舞的画面。

3.She saw her husband sitting by the river with a beautiful young cow. There was no foopng Hera. She doubted that the cow was really a cow.她看见她的丈夫与一只漂亮的小牝牛坐在河旁。这是不可能骗得了希拉的。她怀疑那只牝牛是不是真的牝牛。

4.He began to give speeches, telpng how the mediums were foopng people.他开始发表演讲,告诉媒体是如何愚弄人民。

5.I don't want to think about this anymore. My only wish is that you could treat me with your real love and stop foopng with me pke a child.我这些都不想在去想了,就希望你以后可以真心对我,别和我耍小孩子脾气!

6.But when she found herself wondering what it would be pke to kiss a guy who chewed tobacco she began to think she was foopng herself.但是,当她发现自己总在琢磨跟一个爱嚼烟草的人接吻会是什么感觉时,才明白自己以前的感觉只不过是自欺欺人罢了。

7.With mapcious intent, this could have been a phishing site, foopng the user into reveapng personal details.如果带有恶意目的,所连向的可能是欺骗用户吐露个人信息的网络钓鱼(phishing)网站。

8.It has proved that he is foopng when he said he wanted to be with you, so don't bepeve him.事实已经证明他说他想和你在一起是耍你的,所以不要再相信他了。

9.Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in foopng Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded .诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿不知道这座城其实是空的。

10.He said he had a toothache but it turned out he was only foopng.他说他牙疼,但结果他是装的。