



美式发音: [snɔr] 英式发音: [snɔː(r)]

v.打鼾;在鼾声中混过 (away; out)


复数:snores  现在分词:snoring  过去式:snored  同义词




v.1.打鼾,打呼噜;在鼾声中混过 (away; out)

n.1.a sound that you make when you breathe noisily while you sleep

v.1.to breathe noisily while you sleep

1.鼾声 ... 59.In TWO Pieces 两半 60.Snores 鼾声 61.Sweat a Lot 出汗 ...

2.打鼾 snores v. 打鼾, 打着鼾渡过(时间)n.打鼾, 鼾声 shimmy n. 西迷舞, 摇动v.摇动,震颤,晃动 ...


1.Even the snores of her brothers in the back made her smile and be thankful that she and her mother were safe and sound.甚至后面房间她兄长们的鼾声也让她微笑和感激——她和妈妈能安然回家。

2.Benjamin was so excited that it was a mercy he did not awake Tommy Brock, whose snores continued solemnly in Mr. Tod's bed.本杰明很激动地认为幸好自己没有吵醒在托德先生床上,持续频密打着鼾的汤米獾。

3.My husband snores louder than a lawnmower, and I kick him harder than Beckham with a soccer ball. We both slept much better when single.我的丈夫鼾声比割草机噪音还大,我踢他比贝克汉姆踢足球还狠,但我们都睡得好得比单身时好得多。

4.But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in the next room have complained lately.但是实话告诉你,他打呼噜太响最近连隔壁房间的人都抱怨。我不能确定这个你是否愿意去。

5.Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. Then the next morning, Tom complained that his sleep was interrupted by snores .昨夜我听到他鼾声如雷,接着第二天早上,汤姆抱怨呼噜声打断了他的睡眠。

6.Almost everyone had already fallen asleep, their soft snores sounding throughout the cabin.几乎所有的人都已睡着了,有人还发出轻微的鼾声。

7.For the husband who snores all night, because he is at home asleep with me and not with someone else.庆幸有个整夜打呼噜的丈夫,因为他是在家中与我共枕同眠,而不是与其他的人。

8.If you're at home, think about crying babies and construction noise. I work at home with my dog, a French bulldog who snores loudly.比如我是在家里工作的,而且我还有一条打呼噜很响的法国牛头犬。

9.one person who snores. It could be your partner, parents, grandparents, or even Uncle Ned or Aunt Sophie that snore at various noise levels.你可能至少认识一个打鼾的人。也有可能你的丈夫、母、父母、至可能是叔叔,阿姨都打呼,只是声响大小不同。

10.Financial woes are more disturbing than concerns about work, relationships, health and even a partner who snores or shifts around too much.比起人们常有的工作、人际关系和健康问题,甚至是身边有一个老是翻来覆去或是打鼾的家伙,经济问题更令人们感到困扰不堪。