



美式发音: [bɔr] 英式发音: [bɔː(r)]






n.1.a male pig2.a wild boar

1.野猪 ... 豆状囊尾蚴 cysticercus pisiformis 公猪 boar;boars 公猪膻味 boar taint ...

3.更多的野猪 感到有梅花鹿( Feeling Fallow) 野猪,野猪,更多的野猪( Boars, Boars, Boars) 大野猪 怎样猎取( How to Catch a Big Boar) ...

4.山猪 ... 山猪 boar 山猪 boars 山猫之类 bobcat ...


1.The wild boars had not been fed for a week, and when the shepherd was thrust into their don they rushed at him to tear him to pieces.那些野猪已经一个星期没吃过东西了,牧羊人刚被扔进窝里,它们就冲上来要把他撕成碎片。

2.He said her behaviour and acceptance of him proves the boars do not need to be feared because they are not a threat to well-meaning people.他说这头母猪的行为和对他的接受也证实了我们不需要害怕野猪,因为他们对饱含好意的人类是没有任何威胁的。

3.When the tailor had brought the wood, the giant commanded him to shoot two or three wild boars for supper.当裁缝带来的木材,大吩咐他拍两三野猪吃晚饭。

4.Joe Johnston began to develop designs that were resembled upright wild boars complete with snouts and tusks.经乔•约翰斯敦进一步设计,他们形似直立的野猪,长着猪鼻和獠牙。

5.Officers then heard the fugitive shouting for help _ he had run into a herd of angry wild boars that were keen to protect their young.随后警官听到司机传来的呼救。原来他撞上了情急要保护幼仔的愤怒一野猪群。

6.Through it all, there was the fear that the animal would turn and charge them, as wild boars have a reputation for doing.整个追捕过程中,他担心这只动物会调转过来顶他,而那正是野猪出名的举动。

7.Bear and wild boars range through the forests all day long.熊和野猪整天在森林中来回跑动。

8.Wild boars can be aggressive when cornered. Those seen in Seoul have weighed up to 130kg.被激怒的野猪极具攻击性,在汉城发现的那些重达130公斤的野猪可不是闹着玩的。

9.and ordered him to be thrown into the den with the wild boars.下令把牧羊人扔到野猪窝里去。

10.Household boars , or tuskers, are unmarried boars that are hired into a clan.家用公猪(或有獠牙者),是受雇进入家族的未婚公猪。