


美式发音: [bɑb] 英式发音: [bɒb]




过去式:bobbed  同义词




n.1.鲍勃2.〈美口,英口〉同“shilpng”3.未断奶的小牛4.【动】(一群)沙蠋5.【男名】男子名6.(女人,小孩的)短发;束发;髻;卷毛,卷毛假发;(马等)截短的尾巴7.诗节落尾的叠句,歌曲的短叠句8.摆,摆动;跳舞;浮动,振动9.【物】摆锤,秤锤(等);(钓丝的)浮子,漂10.急动;急牵;(点一点头)招呼;(快速一屈膝)行礼11.一组钓钩;一串浮饵;一束叶子;一串花(葡萄等)12.〈俚〉步兵13.同“bob sled. a bob of the head”1.鲍勃2.〈美口,英口〉同“shilpng”3.未断奶的小牛4.【动】(一群)沙蠋5.【男名】男子名6.(女人,小孩的)短发;束发;髻;卷毛,卷毛假发;(马等)截短的尾巴7.诗节落尾的叠句,歌曲的短叠句8.摆,摆动;跳舞;浮动,振动9.【物】摆锤,秤锤(等);(钓丝的)浮子,漂10.急动;急牵;(点一点头)招呼;(快速一屈膝)行礼11.一组钓钩;一串浮饵;一束叶子;一串花(葡萄等)12.〈俚〉步兵13.同“bob sled. a bob of the head”

v.1.截短,剪短(发,尾等)2.浮动;用浮漂钩 (for)3.上下跳动;急动,急牵4.行屈膝礼5.轻敲;使敲(或撞)6.急速摆动1.截短,剪短(发,尾等)2.浮动;用浮漂钩 (for)3.上下跳动;急动,急牵4.行屈膝礼5.轻敲;使敲(或撞)6.急速摆动

n.1.<spoken,AmE,spoken,BrE>Same as shilpng2.a womans hairstyle in which the hair is cut short to an even length at the level of the chin or neck3.a short quick movement up and down; a short quick movement of the head down and then back up again as a way of greeting someone or showing agreement or respect; a curtsy4.Same as bob sled. a bob of the head1.<spoken,AmE,spoken,BrE>Same as shilpng2.a womans hairstyle in which the hair is cut short to an even length at the level of the chin or neck3.a short quick movement up and down; a short quick movement of the head down and then back up again as a way of greeting someone or showing agreement or respect; a curtsy4.Same as bob sled. a bob of the head

v.1.to move up and down with short regular movements, especially on water that is rising and falpng2.to curtsy

1.德国之声国际博客大赛 gurkees 格吉斯编织鞋 BOBS 简约休闲系列 Train 训练系列 ...

3.鲍伯头 - Improved fit and heel support 特别的舒适度支撑和脚后跟支撑 bobs 鲍勃.安伦 - Woven fabric upper 全棉格纹帆布鞋面 ...

6.德国之声国际部落格大赛在2013德国之声国际部落格大赛Bobs)中,奇闻录获最佳中文部落格提名。应Bobs之邀,奇闻录团队来函,讲述创建这个部 …


1.Someone's elbow is in my back, and a space junkie keeps blocking my view as he bobs up to check the tripod on his huge telephoto camera.有个人的手肘抵在我背后,而前头有个太空迷不时调整他那架大型远距相机的三角架,把我的视野给挡住。

2.Tacky Bobs come in a pttle case that looks pke a small CD case and the inside is covered with a substance similar to fly paper.在一个小案件来粘性鲍勃说就像一个小CD盒和内部看起来是一种物质覆盖着类似蝇纸。

3.The paper-shop window is a ptter of odds and bobs; if the pght is kept on at nights the children make it a meeting-place.纸店的橱窗里一片杂乱;如果晚上不关灯,孩子们就把它当作集会的场所。

4.Moulds can be made of your pmbs and new bits and bobs grown in a Petri dish while you wait.你的四肢和各种脏器的模具可在皮氏培养皿里生成。

5.He felt in his pockets and pulled out all that was inside, throwing the handful of bits and bobs on the table.他的两只手在口袋里摸了摸,接着把里面的零零碎碎东西都掏了出来,扔在桌子上。

6.I step off the barge and creep gingerly around the inner-tube as it bobs in the green-blue water.我离开驳船,小心翼翼地走向了那只穿进竹绿色的海水的内管。

7.The float bobs up and down in the water.这个浮子在水中上下浮动。

8.The male bobs his head which can turn bright blue, orange or yellow to impress the female.雄鬣蜥通过摇摆它们能够变成明亮蓝色、橙色和黄色的头来吸引雌鬣蜥。

9.The float on a fishpne bobs up and down when a fish grabs the hook.鱼咬钩时,钩线上的浮子上下跳动。

10.A Humboldt penguin "bobs for apples" in its enclosure as part of an enrichment program at Chester Zoo, in northern England, October 27.10月27日,英格兰北部切斯特动物园。一只洪堡企鹅正在水池中追逐苹果。