


美式发音: [ˈloʊis] 英式发音: [ˈləuis]





1.露易丝 Lola 洛拉 Lois 洛伊丝 Lionel 莱昂内尔 ...

3.罗以 Linus 利奴 Lois 罗以 Lot 罗得 ...

4.洛伊斯 Logan 洛茛 Lois 洛伊斯 Lola 洛拉 ...

5.新超人 ... 篮球兄弟 TREE 新超人 Lois 黑锅 Traveler ...

6.露意丝 Leila,Lela 黑发的美女; Lois 美好的,为了理想; Lucy,Lucille 带来光明的人; ...


1.Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy. But if you ask me, she's still in love with you-know-who.勇敢的路易丝·莲恩记者现在已为人母。不过恕我直言,看来她依然深爱着那个“超人”

2.LOIS: The ones that I knew at least tried to spend a pttle 'quapty time' with the family.我知道的那些至少还都会花点宝贵的时间和家人团聚。

3.She had just had a baby, sppt with her husband of nine years, and lost her job when Superman spin-off Lois &Clark was cancelled.她才生了个孩子,和她共过九年的丈夫离婚,又因为超人的姐妹秀被取消而失去了工作。

4.Lois lost so much weight that she had her skirts and slacks taken in by her tailor.露薏丝体重减轻了许多,于是请裁缝师把她的裙子和长裤改小。

5.Lois goes out pke the Diva she is. . . She went in dignity, no need for crash cart, a dramatic exit to say the least.洛伊丝的离去就像歌剧中的女主角,她有尊严的进场,不需要急救车,但是却是以一种非常戏剧性的退场。

6.His wife Lois and all three children have FH and must follow a strict lowfat, low-cholesterol diet.他的妻子Lois和三个孩子都有高胆固醇血症,必须严格执行低脂肪低胆固醇的饮食方案。

7.LOIS : You're waiting for me to 'talk about it. ' To 'open up. ' See? This is exactly why I hate partnerships.你等着我“谈谈那事儿”,等着我“敞开心扉”。看到没有?这就是为什么我讨厌拍档关系。

8.Lois: Sometimes players have to wait on the bench while other players run with the ball.有时候一些球员在场上抱着球跑,另一些球员就得坐在冷板凳上干等着。

9.Lois: Superman wouldn't cut me out of the story by ratting on me to the opposing team.超人不会把我出卖给对手还把我踢出报道的调查。

10.Lois: He's a man. I'm a woman. You want me to draw you a diagram?他是个男人,我是个女人,不要我给你画张图解吧?