


美式发音: ['boʊdɪ] 英式发音: ['bəʊdɪ]





1.菩提 fool( 好自端严) Bodhi( 菩提心) daming( 黑皮) ...

4.菩提法门 ... 上师自传 | About Master Jin Bodhi 菩提法门Bodhi 漫画金菩提 | Master in Comics ...

5.菩提心园 莲花佛学世界 buddhism 菩提心园 bodhi 清大原子炉 Reactor ...

6.佛菩提的佛「性」(dhaatu),经过实践的过程,证得「佛菩提」(bodhi),具足一切佛法「功德」(gu.na),并且从事济度众生 …

7.印度剖提树 bocking board 鹰嘴板 bodhi 印度剖提树 bodywood 无枝桠材,主干材 ...

8.菩提树下 ... 菩提树下 bodhi ...


1.This supreme Awakening, possible to any being, is called the state of Bodhi and at this point, he won Nirvana.这个必要的唤醒,可能到任何事物上,称为菩提树的状态,在这一点上,他得到了涅磐。

2.Qi, hearing this hesitated back to: "this called" virtual bodhi clear Dan Dan is against the day of survived the heart the use.斯琪听了这话犹豫了一下回到:“此丹名为‘清虚菩提丹’是抵御天劫时的心魔所用。”

3.Disciple Min Rong Rong suggested my Bodhi Vows; she said that when she first read it she was shaken by the great vows.弟子闵蓉蓉提议写我的愿文,她说当她第一次读到这麽伟大的愿文时感到很震撼。

4.Body is a bodhi tree, the heart like a mirror sets, always wipe off ground, without rendering the dust alight.身是菩提树,心如明镜台,时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃。

5.For this reason, the Bodhi Mind is the goal that the cultivator should clearly understand before he sets out to practice.出于这个原因,菩提心的目标,该耕作应清楚了解,才定下了惯例。

6.In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.在上座部佛教,菩提和涅槃是同样的意思,即是从贪婪,仇恨和妄想中解脱。

7.Under the fig, now know as the Bodhi tree, he vowed never to leave the position until he found Truth.在无花果树,现在称为菩提树下,他立誓决不离开,直到找到真理为止。

8.Bodhi is not a tree , bright mirror also is not a platform , frequent whisk it clear , do not dodge to dye dust!身为菩提树,心如明镜台,时时勤拂拭,不使染尘埃!这种东西翻译成英文就太难听了。

9.The knowledge accompanying nirvana is expressed through the word bodhi.有关涅槃的知识是通过菩提这个词来表达的。

10.Through cultivating the Way, you can increase your wisdom, your resolve for Bodhi , the power of your vows, and everything else.修道,增益你的智慧,增益你的菩提心,增益你的愿力,一切一切都会增加。