


美式发音: [ˈʌŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʌŋk(ə)l]






1.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父the brother of your mother or father; the husband of your aunt

Uncle Ian伊恩叔叔

I'm going to visit my uncle.我要去看我舅舅。

I've just become an uncle(= because your brother/sister has had a baby) .我刚当上叔叔(或舅舅)。

2.(儿童用语,称呼父母的同辈男性朋友)叔叔,伯伯used by children, with a first name, to address a man who is a close friend of their parents


n.1.the brother of one of your parents, or the husband of your aunt. You are his niece or nephew; used by children in front of the name of a man who is a close friend of their parents

1.叔叔 brother 兄弟 uncle 叔叔; 舅舅 man 男人 ...

2.舅舅 brother 兄弟 uncle 叔叔; 舅舅 man 男人 ...

3.伯 daughter n. 女儿 uncle n. 叔;;舅;姨夫;姑父 picture n. 照片;图片 ...

4.姑父 daughter n. 女儿 uncle n. 叔;伯;舅;姨夫;姑父 picture n. 照片;图片 ...

5.伯父 伯伯〖 uncle;father’selderbrother〗 伯父uncle;father’selderbrother〗 伯爵〖 earl〗 ...

6.姨父 daughter n. 女儿 uncle n. 叔;伯;姑父;舅;姨父 picture n. 照片; 图画 ...


1."Yes, yes, it is possible! " I said, persuaded by my uncle's strong arguments.“是的,是的,这是可能的!”我被叔叔有力的辩论说服了。

2.Jack: My Uncle John sent me a present for my birthday. I can't remember which gift was his, but I want to thank him for it.杰克:我的叔叔约翰送了我一份生日礼物。我忘记了哪份礼物是他送的,但是我想谢谢他。

3.I mourn sincerely the death of my dear uncle, the King, but I know I may count on you to serve me as loyally as you served him.我为我叔父--国王的死感到深切的哀痛,但我坚信你们会服务于我,如对他那般的忠诚。

4.It was quite late by the time we returned. I expected that my uncle would be asleep, as he regularly went to bed quite early.我们回到家的时候已经相当晚了。我料想叔叔已经睡了,因为他通常睡的很早。

5.The average American household with two children will get a cheque from Uncle Sam for up to $1, 800 and will spend at least some of it.拥有两个孩子的代表性美国家计可以从山姆大叔那里获得最多1800美元的支票,当中至少有一部分会花出去。

6.His mother later remarried, but his stepfather, also his uncle, plagued by health problems, was unable to support the family.母亲后来嫁人了,但他的继父,也就是他的叔叔一直身体不好,无力养活家庭。

7.Then do not know the value of this tree and meaning, just know, just to see the big tree, uncle home to.那时不懂这棵树的价值和意义,只知道,只要看到这棵大树,舅爷家就到了。

8.Harry pitches Dobby into the wardrobe just as the door opens and uncle Vernon enters.哈里将多比关入衣橱,正在这时,弗农叔叔进来了。

9.Uncle, aunt has got up, finally, brother, brother at first glance seem to have changed, become like a man man!舅舅、舅妈陆续起床了,终于见到弟弟了,第一眼感觉似乎弟弟变了,变得像一个汉子汉!

10.One day, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry's house got picked up in a storm with her and Toto in it!有一天,舅妈和亨利叔叔的房子有捡起风暴中,托托!