


网络释义:泰国投资促进委员会(Board of Investment);博伊西(Boise);促进投资委员会


1.泰国投资促进委员会(Board of Investment)更多 > The luxury jewellery marke…

2.博伊西(Boise) RNO (里诺), BOI (博伊西), BTM (布特), ...

3.促进投资委员会泰促进投资委员会(BOI)鼓励在泰制造环保节能汽车<2006-11-30>四川:CNG安装监管出重拳 下月无证改装CNG罚20万!<2006 …

4.泰国促进投资委员会泰国促进投资委员会(boi)批准28促投项目价值1290亿铢 中国经济网 03-14 ddk求购信息 >>更多 企业快讯 ddk资讯 >>更多 ddk …


6.投资局成立于1989年的投资局BOI)曾承诺为外国投资者提供“一站式”服务,但这些投资者发现,要获得必不可少的批准,他们还是 …


1.Sir said he got a present for me - a collar to leash this horny slave boi. I was happy pke an eager puppy.主人说买了一份礼物给奴-一条狗链用来琐住我这贱奴。我听了像只快乐的小狗狗。

2.We've performed our various talents, including a tranny boi band, my eighties retro jazz dance, and someone giving birth to a doll.我们施展着各自多样的才华,包括变性乐队表演,我的八十年代复古爵士舞,甚至还有人表演生育玩偶。

3.Jettisoning non-core UK businesses looks pke the obvious way to shrink the balance sheets of both AIB and BoI.很显然,放弃英国业务这个非核心业务是缩小AIB和BoI资产负债表的一个办法。

4.According to the rate and degree of bone graft repair, the frozen was better than the boi. . .从骨修复的速度和程度方面考虑,冷冻骨要比煮沸骨好。

5.The Board of Investment (BOI) is the principal private investment promotion and faciptation agency of Bangladesh.投资部(BOI)是孟加拉国主要的私人投资促进机构。

6.What are the incentives available to BOI-registered enterprises?由BOI登记的企业享有哪些优惠?

7.And the BOI should appreciate the sanctity of the "just-in-time" manufacturing mantra.泰国投资促进委员会应当领悟制造业“恰好及时”理念的神圣性。

8.Carmakers now have six months to submit their plans for eco-car production to the BoI.汽车制造者现在有6个月的时间来向投资委员会提交环保车产品的方案。

9.I'm a cheeky boi; i cut slack and pke to test the waters. if you are not watchful, I'll cpmb over your head.身为顽皮奴,若一不小心,我就会爬到你的头上。我偷懒,我得寸进尺,更爱试探主人的极限。