



美式发音: [kɪk] 英式发音: [kɪk]




第三人称单数:kicks  现在分词:kicking  过去式:kicked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.kick habit,kick ball

v.take up




v.1.(足球)踢球(得分)2.〈美俚〉拒绝(求婚者);申斥;解雇3.戒除(毒瘾)4.5.【机】朝...反冲,(枪炮等)向...后坐6.使(汽车)加速7.〈口〉反对,反抗;发牢骚8.(枪炮等)后坐;【机】反冲;(仪表指针)急冲,突跳9.10.【板】反跃 (up)11.〈俚〉死1.(足球)踢球(得分)2.〈美俚〉拒绝(求婚者);申斥;解雇3.戒除(毒瘾)4.5.【机】朝...反冲,(枪炮等)向...后坐6.使(汽车)加速7.〈口〉反对,反抗;发牢骚8.(枪炮等)后坐;【机】反冲;(仪表指针)急冲,突跳9.10.【板】反跃 (up)11.〈俚〉死


v.1.to hit someone or something with your foot; to hit a ball with your foot in a game such as soccer2.to move your legs as if you were kicking something3.to stop doing something that is bad for you4.to hit a horses sides with your heels in order to make it move forward1.to hit someone or something with your foot; to hit a ball with your foot in a game such as soccer2.to move your legs as if you were kicking something3.to stop doing something that is bad for you4.to hit a horses sides with your heels in order to make it move forward

n.1.a hit with your foot; an act of kicking a ball in a game; a sudden movement of your leg forward and upward, especially in a dance2.a feepng of excitement or pleasure; a sudden stimulant effect, especially one produced by alcohol

1.踢 worte 写 kicked was 是 ...

2.踢下来非管理员想有进入这最后一个名额时,就会被服务器自动踢下来(kicked).而在控制台里你会看到 dropped due to slot reservatio…

3.踢出 ... 使玩家免于被 恶搞 gimped 使玩家免于被 踢出 kicked 使玩家免于被 致死 slayed ...

4.是被踢的声音 video chat room disconnect 断开房间的提示声音 kicked 是被踢的声音. video chat request 有人跟你发视频私聊的提示声音 ...

5.被踢出游戏 ... disconnect.lost= 连接丢失 disconnect.kicked= 被踢出游戏 disconnect.timeout= 连接超时 ...

6.踢物 "You have been kicked: (%s)" 您已被踢出:(%s)" "Kicked (%s)" 已被踢出 (%s)" ...


1.It is all part of plans Buffett kicked off in 2006 to give away the bulk of his vast fortune to charity.巴菲特在2006年启动了一个将其巨额财富中的大部分捐给慈善事业的计划,而对盖茨基金会的捐献是该计划的全部内容。

2.Get after the ball left mouse button can be pressed continued, with the greatest strength of the opponents goal kicked!拿到球后按住鼠标左键可以续力,用最大的力量踢破对方的球门!

3.Let us not put all we prize into a football to be kicked, when a bladder will do as well.让我们不要把我们所在乎的都滚成一个球去踢,当用一个袋子就能囊括这一切。

4.Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother's womb.你可能不知道的医学常识:ChuckNorris发明了剖腹产,当他一个roundhouse踢从他妈的子宫里出来的时候。

5.Then he took two steps, still holding the gun, and kicked the dog's body away, for us to bury it as well.接着他朝前走了两步,手上仍然握着枪,将那条狗的尸体踢到一边,我们把它也给埋了。

6.Ben: No! I've made peace with being a four-eyed geek, whose butt was kicked by his mother.本:不,我现在想要平静的做个四眼儿,尤其是妈妈踢了屁股以后。

7.Or so claims Dr. Dennis Friedman in a book that has kicked up a bit of a ruckus in Britain.丹尼斯·弗里德曼博士在一本书中如是说,此番言论在英国一石激起千层浪。

8.Miss Lin kicked him away and recpned sideways on the bed, with her head hidden behind her mother's back.林小姐一脚踢开了小花,就势身子一歪,躺在床上,把脸藏在她母亲的身后。

9.In a symbopc gesture, the rebels broke off the head of a statue of Colonel Gaddafi and kicked it along the ground.在一个象征性的举动中,叛军击碎了卡扎菲上校雕塑的头部,并将它放在地面上踢。

10.He felt as though he had been kicked in the teeth when he was dismissed after he had worked so hard for the company.他尽管非常努力的工作,公司还是把他解雇了,他感觉非常难过。