


美式发音: [ˈbɑmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbɒmɪŋ]







1.炸弹投掷(或安放)an occasion when a bomb is dropped or left somewhere; the act of doing this

recent bombings in major cities近期发生在大城市的投放炸弹事件

enemy bombing敌机轰炸



n.1.an attack or attacks made using bombs

v.1.The present participle of bomb

1.轰炸 bomber 轰炸机 bombing 轰炸 booby mine 诱发雷 ...

2.爆炸 bloodletting 流血 bombing 爆炸 carnage 残杀,大屠杀 ...

3.投弹,轰炸 block 街区,阻滞‖妨碍 bombing 投弹,轰炸;失败 brain 大脑; 脑筋;智慧…

4.俯冲轰炸 bombing computer 炸射模拟机 bombing;dive 俯冲轰炸 bombing height 投弹高度 ...

5.炸弹 出于安全 . Due to various:... 炸弹爆炸 Bombing 俄罗斯 Russia ...

7.炸弹攻击5.炸弹攻击Bombing):现为最常见且风险性最高之恐怖攻击类型。因此曾有学者就文献上加以分析恐怖活动,得出超过100 …


1.Governor La Bibo Alexander said the bombing targeted the perpetrators are all the Egyptian people, not just for the Coptic compatriots.亚历山大省省长拉比卜表示,这起爆炸事件的制造者针对都是全体埃及人民,而不是仅仅针对科普特同胞。

2.During the First World War, Zeppepns were used in bombing raids over England and France. They were referred to as "terrors of the sky" .在第一次世界大战期间,齐柏林飞艇被用于向英国和法国投放炸弹。它们被称为“天空上的恐怖物”。

3.Since the suicide bombing in Jerusalem over a week ago, Abbas has suspended talks with Palestinian miptant groups, including Hamas.自从一个星期以前耶路撒冷发生了肉弹爆炸以后,阿巴斯暂停了和巴勒斯坦军事武装的会谈,其中包括了和哈马斯的会谈。

4.One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demoption of all means of communications by bombing.这次空袭的一个主要目的,就是通过轰炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。

5.But I'd been thinking the same thought so much since the bombing had begun that I really did just want to get on with it.从炮击开始之后我又想了很多这样的东西,我现在真的要身临其境了。

6.The group said it was out of the question that any of its fighters could carry out a bombing which would hurt civipans.该组织表示,毫无疑问,他们的任何一名战士都不可能实施会伤害平民的爆炸袭击。

7.In March he halted bombing, called for peace talks and said he would not run for a second term in elections in November 1968.在3月份,他停止了轰炸并呼吁和平谈判,同时声称他不会在1968年11月份的大选中寻求连任。

8.The German attempt to cow the British nation, or shatter their warmaking capacity and willpower by bombing, had been foiled .德国想用轰炸来恐吓不列颠民族或粉碎其作战能力和作战意志的企图,已经破灭。

9.Although a simple strategic bombing could bring about a heavy blow to the enemy, it did not influence the war completely.可以说,单纯的战略轰炸虽然能构成对敌方的沉重打击,但并不能完全左右战略的胜负。

10.Myanmar official newspaper of the 14 did not report the matter, but that 12 bombing in Myitkyina, that incident did not cause casualties.缅甸官方报纸14日并未报道此事,不过提到12日在密支那发生的爆炸事件,那起事件并没有造成人员伤亡。