




1.包纳萨拉他帮助包纳萨拉Bonasera)的女儿报仇,他帮助纳色利(Nazorine)留下他的女婿安索在美国完婚,他帮助强尼(Johnny) …

2.波纳塞拉”说话的这个人是殡仪馆老板波纳塞拉(Bonasera),脸部特写中,顶光照得他的额头和脸的上半部分很亮;波纳塞拉讲述她的女儿被 …

3.邦纳西拉邦纳西拉BONASERA) 身份:殡仪馆老板 自移民到美国后,安份守己地做个美国公民,为避免麻烦一直和教父保持距离, …


1.bonasera: let them suffer, then, as she suffers. how much should i pay you?那末让她们像她同样受熬煎。我应该付你几多钱?。

2.I must admit, though you spurned my friendship, that I would trust the given word of Amerigo Bonasera more than I would any other man's.我必须承认,虽然你拒绝接受我的友谊,与我相信任何其他男人的保证相比,我更相信亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉的保证。

3.Don Corleone, as if against his will, made a gesture of sympathy and Bonasera went on, his voice human with suffering.堂-科利昂,似乎违心地,做了一个同情的手势,然后勃纳瑟拉继续着,他的声音是带着痛苦的人性的。

4.BONASERA Then they can suffer then, as she suffers. (then) How much shall I pay you?那么他们应该受罪,像我女儿一样。(停顿)我该付您多少钱?

5.But there was something false in all this that Amerigo Bonasera sensed but did not yet understand.但是在这一切中有虚假的东西,亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉感觉到了但还不明白。

6.Don Corleone turned his back. It was a dismissal. Bonasera did not budge.唐·科里昂转过身去。这是一个不同意的表示。但是伯纳塞拉没有让步。

7.Bonasera could not speak further, he was weeping now though his voice had not betrayed his emotion.勃纳瑟拉不能再往下说了,他现在在哭,虽然他的声音没有流露出他的感情。

8.Bonasera hesitated, then bent down and put his pps so close to the Don's hairy ear that they touched.勃纳瑟拉犹豫着,然后弯下身,把他的嘴如此近地凑向堂多毛的耳朵,几乎他们要挨上了。

9.They stood so for a long moment until Bonasera finished whispering and straightened to his full height.他们这样站了好长时间,直到勃纳瑟拉结束耳语站直身子。

10.Out of control, Bonasera leaned forward toward the aisle and shouted hoarsely.失去了控制,勃纳瑟拉向过道前倾,嘶哑地吼道。