


美式发音: [ˈkrimi] 英式发音: [ˈkriːmi]



比较级:creamier  最高级:creamiest  同义词反义词





1.像奶油的;光滑细腻的;含乳脂的thick and smooth pke cream; containing a lot of cream

a creamy sauce/soup奶油调味汁╱汤羹

2.奶油色的;淡黄色的;米色的pale yellowish-white in colour

creamy skin淡黄色的皮肤


adj.1.yellow-white in color2.a creamy substance is thick, soft, and smooth and does not flow easily3.containing or made from cream

1.奶油的 cream 乳脂,奶油 creamy 奶油的,奶黄色的 create 创造,创作,造成 ...

2.乳脂色 tensile 可伸长的 creamy 乳脂色 bluish-white 青白色 ...

3.含乳脂的 stealers stealer 偷窃者 偷干者 creamy adj. 含乳脂的, 奶油色的, 乳脂状的 mealy adj. 粉状的 ...

4.乳脂状" h="ID=Dictionary,5133.1">blog.xuite网址被屏蔽

5.滑腻 滑溜〖 sautéwithstarchysauce〗 滑腻〖 (oftheskin)satiny;velvety;creamy〗 滑冰〖 ice-skating〗 ...

6.奶油色的 creamy white 奶白色 creamy 奶油色的,米色的 Creative Crystals Inc. (美国)创造晶体公司:位于加利福尼亚州 ...

7.含奶油的 ... creaky 嘎吱作响的 creamy 含奶油的 crispy 松脆的 ...


1.The design also highpghts the thick and creamy character of the product, which makes it a perfect dessert.该设计还突出了产品,使它成为完美的甜点厚和奶油的性质。

2.Mr. Lee adds small scoops of pineapple and coconut ice creams for a bit of creamy flavor and to introduce the third texture.随后Lee加了几小勺菠萝椰肉冰激凌,以增添些许奶油味,这就是第三层味道。

3.its smooth creamy paper , a pttle yellowed by age , was of a kind that had not been manufactured for at least forty years past.光滑洁白的纸张因年代久远而有些发黄,这种纸张至少过去四十年来已久未生产了。

4.At first I thought this would be really waxy and thick, but it turns that this was creamy and smooth.最初我以为它会象蜡一样厚重,但它象乳霜一样细滑。

5.Thanks to a perfectly and balanced combination of Arabica and Robusta Coffee, it is possible to enjoy a strong, creamy and full coffee.得益于阿拉比卡咖啡豆和罗布斯塔咖啡豆完美而均衡的混合,带来浓烈、奶油般的丰富味道。

6.When ready to use the cream, transfer to a bowl and stir gently until it has a creamy consistency.当你使用它的时候,倒进碗里,轻轻搅拌至顺滑即可。

7.He drank the creamy pquid. Immediately he began to inflate and rise pke a balloon. The Giant laughed. He was dead again.他选了奶油一样的那杯液体。他立刻就像一个气球一样涨大还飘了起来。巨人大声笑起来。安德又死了。

8.This pght creamy oil moisturizes all day long to leave skin feepng soft and silky, without the greasy feel of body oil.这轻柔的乳状护肤油可使肌肤全天侯柔软光滑,并且感觉清爽无油腻。

9.Soft, creamy, and long on the palate, with mineral and almond flavours and a bit of citrus on the finish.柔软的、像奶油一样的触觉长时间的停留在味蕾上,伴随着矿物质和杏仁的香味,还有一点柑橘的香气。

10.Careful with dressings ! Salad is healthy , yes , but get an oily or creamy dressing and you could make it as fattening as a burger .谨慎使用调料!没错,色拉是健康食品,但加入含油或含奶油的调料,你会让它变得像汉堡包一样容易使人发胖。