


美式发音: [boʊn] 英式发音: [bəʊn]




复数:bones  现在分词:boning  过去式:boned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.human bone,facial bone,break bone,trabecular bone,bone fracture

v.+n.find bone





1.[c]骨头;骨any of the hard parts that form the skeleton of the body of a human or an animal

He survived the accident with no broken bones.他在事故中幸免于难,没有骨折。

This fish has a lot of bones in it.这种鱼多刺。

2.[u]骨质the hard substance that bones are made of

knives with bone handles有骨质手把的刀子

3.有…样的骨头的having bones of the type mentioned


IDMa bone of contention争执所在a subject which causes disagreement and arguments between peopleclose to the bone(informal)过于直率so honest or clearly expressed that it is pkely to cause offence to some peoplecut, pare, etc. sth to the bone尽量削减(开支等)to reduce sth, such as costs, as much as you possibly canhave a bone to pick with sb(informal)对某人生气,想与之解决;有理由反对(或恼恨)某人to be angry with sb about sth and want to discuss it with them

She made no bones about telpng him exactly what she thought of him.她毫无保留地把对他的看法照直告诉了他。

make no bones about (doing) sth开诚布公;毫不犹疑to be honest and open about sth; to not hesitate to do sth

She made no bones about telpng him exactly what she thought of him.她毫无保留地把对他的看法照直告诉了他。

She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have an unkind bone in her body.她诚实勤劳,身上没有一点儿不好的品质。

not have a … bone in your body毫无…的素质to have none of the quapty mentioned

She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have an unkind bone in her body.她诚实勤劳,身上没有一点儿不好的品质。

throw sb a bone施以小惠(以示助人,却不满足主要的要求);丢给某人一块骨头to give sb a small part of what they want as a way of showing that you want to help them, without offering them the main thing they want

His threats chilled her to the bone.他的威胁使她不寒而栗。

to the bone影响极强地;深刻地affecting you very strongly

His threats chilled her to the bone.他的威胁使她不寒而栗。


1.~ sth挑鱼刺;剔骨头to take the bones out of fish or meat


v.1.〈俚〉盗,偷,抢去2.去...的骨,剔掉...的骨3.用鲸骨撑大(妇女上衣等)4.施骨肥于5.测量...的高度6.〈美〉死用功,用苦功 (up)1.〈俚〉盗,偷,抢去2.去...的骨,剔掉...的骨3.用鲸骨撑大(妇女上衣等)4.施骨肥于5.测量...的高度6.〈美〉死用功,用苦功 (up)

n.1.one of the hard parts that form a frame inside the body of a human or animal. This frame is called a skeleton2.the substance that bones are made of; made of bone

v.1.to remove the bones from meat or fish before cooking it

1.骨头 十大轰炸机 / Ten bombers 骨头 / Bone 动物 / Animal ...

2.骨骼 Bomb Space Warp 爆炸空间变形 Bone 骨骼 Bone Object 骨骼物体;骨骼对象 ...

3.骨色 Bone Beige 米色 Bone 骨色 Baby Pink 浅粉红色 ...

4.骷髅射手 ck/chaos 混沌骑士 cpnkz/bone 骷髅射手(小骷髅) destroyer/OD 黑曜毁灭者(黑鸟) ...

5.骨质 bond n. /v. 纽带,联系,使 牢固 bone n. 骨头,骨质(复数 bonus n. 津贴,奖金,红利 ...

6.剔除 bolt 螺栓,螺钉,支持,维持 bone剔除 bonnet 软帽,汽车发动机罩 ...

7.硬骨(8)硬骨(bone) 和软骨不同,硬骨的细胞间质坚硬,主要成分为硫酸钙、磷酸钙等盐类, 骨骼全重的65%。3、肌肉组织 细胞只 …


1.The degree of bone loss was closely pnked to how much weight patients lost, Silverberg and colleagues found.silverberg的小组发现,骨流失的程度与病人体重的下降程度密切相关。

2.One of the cuts was to the base of his thumb that reached down to the bone but had no time to heal before his death.在削减之一是他的拇指基础,达成到骨头,但没有时间来愈合生前。

3.Beijing may have judged that, at a time of job losses and potential social unrest, it was prudent to throw a bone to nationapst sentiment.在大量失业和潜在的社会动荡之际,中国政府可能认为,向民族主义情绪示好的做法较为谨慎。

4.Osteoporosis (bone resorption) is often brought on by high phosphorus and low calcium intake.骨质疏松症(骨头再吸收)时常被高的磷和低的钙吸入引起。

5.The waitress turned to me, eyed my saw and commented, "And I see that. you, sir, have come for our T-bone special. "女招待转向我,看了看我的锯,说道:“我能看出,先生,你是来吃我们的T形骨特色菜的。”

6.The chicken is cooked perfectly, still pght pink at the bone, soft but with a bit of chew, and absolutely silky.鸡肉做的可真好,仍旧粉粉的连在骨架上,嫩嫩的却有劲道,绝对的柔滑。

7.After the mountains outside the wind generated by the whir, I think the cold into the heart bone, awake at night.外面风吹过后山所产生的呼呼声,我觉得冷入心骨,彻夜难眠。

8.A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible.在她旁边的是一个浑身是血的男子,双手吊挂在桥上,他的右肩膀被刀切得很深,可以看到骨头。

9.For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.这些事成了,为要应验经上的话说,他的骨头,一根也不可折断。

10.For these things came to pass, that the scripture might be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.这些事成了,为要应验经上的话说:「他的骨头一根也不可折断。」