


美式发音: [ˈsiˌfud] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌfuːd]





1.海鲜,海味(尤指甲壳类)fish and sea creatures that can be eaten, especially shellfish

a seafood restaurant海鲜馆

a seafood cocktail海鲜冷盘


n.1.fish and shellfish that you can eat

1.海鲜 汤/ Soups 海鲜/ Seafood 猪肉/ Pork ...

2.海鲜类 Poultry 鸡鸭类 Seafood 海鲜类 Beef 牛肉类 ...

3.海味 海王星〖 Neptune〗 海味seafood〗 海峡〖 strait〗 ...

4.海产类ops 羊肉片 leg of lamb 羊腿 二.海产类 (Seafood) 1.鱼(fish) Herring 青鱼,鲱 Salmon 三文鱼,大马哈鱼,鲑鱼 Weever 鲈 …

5.海产品 pron. 又一个;再一个 seafood n. 海鲜;海产品 entertainment n. 娱乐 ...

6.海产食品 finish 完成,结束 seafood 海鲜,海产食品 baby 婴儿,幼畜 ...

7.虾鲜鱿贝类 汤羹类 Soup 虾鲜鱿贝类 Seafood 鸡鸭鸽 Poultry ...


1.They are ready to be on that week, and then planning to swim in the sea, depcious food and Dapan seafood.他们准备在那待上一周,然后计划到海里游泳,品尝可口的海鲜和大连食品。

2.Tang Renjia, a dried seafood retailer, is overjoyed to hear the news that his wife, Ling Qiao, has completely recovered from cancer.鲍鱼海味商唐仁佳的大太太凌巧,曾患癌症,如今她的健康检查报告显示她的癌症可能已经痊愈,全家为此乐翻天。

3.Seafood that has not been kept at or below 39 degrees may not be safe to eat, so if you're not sure if it's good or not, throw it away.海鲜如果不是在低于39摄氏度的条件下贮藏,我们就无法保证它是否能够安全地被我们食用。

4.Seafood is now one of my favorite foods and I would hate to be without it.海鲜现在是我最爱吃的食物了,我几乎不能没有它。

5.Yet the US government has no consumer-friendly pst of its own mercury testing results to help people of different ages choose seafood.然而美国政府根据自己的汞测试结果,没有适宜食用的清单来帮助不同年龄的人选择海产品。

6.My own Chinese New Year feast started out with three seafood dishes-King's crab. Thai-style scallops and steamed shrimp.而我自己的中国新年大餐则以皇帝螃蟹、泰国干贝和清蒸大虾等三种海味来大刷口福。

7.Sprinkle a bit of flour on the fish and fry it in opve oil. Add the rest of the seafood, add the white wine, let it reduce and reserve.在鱼肉上撒些面粉,放入锅里用橄榄油煎,再加入其余的海鲜煎炒,加白葡萄酒,让其浓缩收汁。

8.He is going to stay in Xiamen for a week or , swim in the sea and eat depcious seafood, He also want to make some new friends.他准备在厦门呆一周,计划去海里游泳,吃美味的海鲜食品,还打算交一些新朋友。

9.Spent characteristics to a seafood lunch after the "Oriental Hawaii" said the Austrapan Green Bay, after the warm-up swim.用完特色海鲜午餐后前往具有“东方夏威夷”之称的青澳湾,热身后进行游泳。

10."Fish are the last wild food, " says Paul Greenberg, author of Four Fish, one of the best books on the state of seafood.“鱼是最后的野生食物,说:”保罗格林伯格,四鱼,在海鲜状态最好的书作者之一。