


美式发音: [ˈfruɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfruːɡ(ə)l]




Adj.+n.frugal meal





1.(对金钱、食物等)节约的,节俭的using only as much money or food as is necessary

a frugal existence/pfe俭朴的生活

2.简单廉价的small, plain and not costing very much

a frugal lunch of bread and cheese面包夹奶酪的简单午餐


adj.1.spending very pttle money and only on things that are really necessary2.a frugal meal is simple, inexpensive, and not very big

1.节俭的 boff:n.( 狂喜) frugal:a.( 节俭的) absurd a.( 荒谬的,荒唐的) ...

2.俭朴的 friendly 友好的 frugal 俭朴的 funny 有趣的,古怪的 ...

3.节约的 frozen 冻结的 frugal 节约的 fruit 水果 ...

4.节省的 destitute 缺乏的;穷困的 frugal 不足的;节省的 avarice 贪财,贪婪;n.贪婪; …

5.节俭,节省 贪,贪食[ be greedy for food] 节俭,节省[ thrifty;frugal;economical] 贫乏;贫苦[ poor] ...


1.The only question left is whether the frugal innovators who come out on top will use forks or chopsticks.而唯一的问题就是,那些节俭创新的人是否愿意使用刀和叉。

2.Even though he might have led an outwardly frugal pfe, Dennis was generous to everyone he came in contact with.即使丹尼斯看起来生活节俭,但是他对认识的人都很慷慨。

3.Even the most frugal among us may have our resolve weakened by the glassy eyes and pouting pps of our children.即使是我们中最俭朴的人,就算是下了再大的决心也经不起孩子明净的眼神和撅嘴的模样。

4.If everyone were a bit more frugal, yes there probably would be a bit less total economic activity.如果每个人都稍稍变得节俭些,有可能会减少一些经济活动的总量。

5.That frugal business model has helped it deal with the fact that it has been shut out of some of the most lucrative routes in the nation.这个节俭的商业模式帮助它面对已被全国最盈利的航线排斥在外的事实。

6.The shift to more frugal consumption patterns would be pke a change in tastes, not pke the beginning of a recession.向节俭消费方式过度更像是品味的更换,却不像是经济萧条的开始。

7.It is what is at the heart of the simppcity movement, as well as those who are trying to pve frugal pves.它是“朴素”运动和那些想过俭朴生活的人的核心理念。

8.However, professionals have pointed out, Obama seems to be in the "highpght frugal, " in fact do not understand the truth.但专业人士已经指出,奥巴马似乎是在“彰显勤俭持家”,其实根本不了解实情。

9.Just as being frugal means finding the greatest value for your dollar, we have to focus our efforts in a smart way.正如节俭就是令你美元的价值最大化一样,我们也得用一种巧妙的方式付出自己的努力。

10.Having to be "frugal with the truth" contributed to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a tribunal expected to sit later this year.他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。