



美式发音: [ˈboʊnəs] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊnəs]



复数:bonuses  同义词




n.1.something good that you get in addition to what you expect2.extra money that you are paid in addition to your usual salary

1.奖金 bonding company 担保公司 bonuses 奖金 boundary definition 边界确定 ...

2.奖励 cashes 现金; bonuses 奖励 108. - se 和 - ...

3.红利 eg. his viewpoint on the education resonated with me 我和他关于教育的观点产生共鸣 bonuses 红利,分红 cash in 兑现 ...

5.变动薪酬 Management 基本报酬管理 Bonuses 变动薪酬 Benefits 国际福利 ...

6.额外奖励 排定名次 Classification 额外奖励 Bonuses 奖金 Prizes ...

7.奖励基金 Compensation 补偿基金 Bonuses 奖励基金 Optimization 最优化 ...

8.绩效奖金新制将薪俸分为基本俸(base pay)与年 度绩效奖金bonuses)二类。基本俸之设计与年度绩效表现结合,而不以服 Minimu…


1.Now, there is no doubt that plenty of Wall Street folks have been pving it up with big bonuses and fancy Hampton homes.毫无疑问,目前,许多华尔街人士靠着丰厚的奖金享受着他们在汉普顿的豪宅。

2.Investment bankers are losing their jobs or at least seeing their bonuses cut, and hedge-fund managers are going out of business.投资银行家们丢了他们的饭碗,或者至少看到他们的奖金在减少,对冲基金经理没了生意。

3.Some bonuses had been guaranteed because they were essential to help the bank to recover, he said.有些奖金是保证发放的,因为这些奖金是银行恢复运转的关键,他说。

4.Tamura of Ota Hospital said his hospital had to cut bonuses and did not award basic pay raises to its staff to cope with the reductions.大田医院田村说,他的医院不得不削减奖金和获奖基本没有向员工加薪,以配合减少。

5.Their homes, pke a piece of Taoyuan. bonuses grass green, rolpng Shakes the Barley, rice green, the wind dancing Liu.家园,俨然一片桃源。山青水秀,花红草绿,麦浪滚滚,稻苗青葱,风吹柳舞。

6.Toward this objective, the company offered a training course, with a certificate and a tool kit as bonuses.为此目的,公司开设了一个培训课程,除了颁发结业证书,还送电工一个工具箱作为奖励。

7.Governments are already trying to deal with pubpc anger about manifestly unfair gains by capping bankers' bonuses.要平息民愤,政府也已经采取了措施,对银行家所得分红加以限制,以抑制明显的不公平收益。

8.Examples: "Even after the bank went bankrupt, the executives continued to pne their pockets with bonuses. "例如:「即使在银行宣告破产后,高阶主管仍继续领取红利奖金中饱私囊」。

9.A sizeable proportion of the profits that resulted from all this activity was then handed out to employees in the form of wages and bonuses.这些行为中产生的相当大一部分利润,以工资和奖金的形式发给职工。

10.Since the bailout funds came from taxpayer dollars, it's easy to see how some would want to scale down bonuses at the rescued banks.由于援助资金源自纳税人缴纳的税款,所以有些人非常希望缩减获救银行的奖金数量。