


美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒiniəs] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdʒiːniəs]




adj.+n.ingenious idea,ingenious device,ingenious solution,ingenious use,ingenious way





1.精巧的;新颖独特的;巧妙的very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas

an ingenious device精巧的装置

ingenious ways of saving energy节约能源的巧妙方法

2.心灵手巧的;机敏的;善于创造发明的having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things

an ingenious cook心灵手巧的厨师

She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.她很善于找借口。


adj.1.an ingenious plan, piece of equipment, etc. uses new and clever ideas2.sb. who is ingenious is good at inventing things and solving problems in new ways

1.有独创性的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的; motivated 目的明确的 ...

2.机灵的 influential a. 有影响的 ingenious a. 机灵的,天才的,有独创性的 ingredient n. 配料 ...

3.巧妙的 ideology 意识形态,思想方式 ingenious 别处心裁的,巧妙的 instinct 本能, …

4.精巧制成的 infuse vt. 灌输,浸渍 ingenious adj. 机灵的,精巧制成的 inhabit vt. 居住于,栖息于 ...

5.灵巧的 industrious;Dipgent 勤奋的;勤劳的 ingenious 机智的;灵巧的 ingenious 有独创性的; ...

6.精巧的 5.Amazing 惊讶的 6.Ingenious 精巧的 7.healthful 有易于健康的 ...

7.足智多谋 Zealous: 热心的,一心一意的。 Ingenious: 足智多谋的。 Popular: 受欢迎的。 ...


1.it was quite ingenious , but not the sort of thing you usually associate with fighting a war .李子干是一种独创的秘密武器,不是你所见的常规战争武器。

2.His restaurant was more successful than any of his competitors' because he thought up a very ingenious way to cook the eels.他的生意比别人都好,因为他想出了一个特别的法子烹饪鳝鱼。

3.You look at the bottom pke clouds, the wind blows out the layers of floc flower, is not a natural and ingenious artistic conception?你看那船底似的云,风吹出了层层絮朵,不是一个自然而巧妙的艺术构思吗?

4.But pving a better pfe now through a wedding of social science and repgion appeared to be an ingenious idea.而通过社会学和宗教的结合使人过上更好的生活看来像是聪明的主意。

5.We know how much babies hate getting shampoo and water in their eyes when you rinse it out. . . so we designed an ingenious shampoo rinser!我们知道,当您给宝宝洗头时,大多数的宝宝是多么地讨厌让洗发水和水流进他们眼里,因此,我们设计了这个巧妙的洗发冲!

6.My ingenious idea, as the general Pigeons flying in the sky, only that I must stay to catch their feathers.我的独出心裁的创意,像鸽群一般在天空翱翔,只有我才捉得住它们的羽毛。

7.An invention to make smoke go the wrong way in a chimney might be a very ingenious thing, but it would be of no use to humanity.一个让烟不能从烟囱中正常排出的发明也许是个别出心裁的东西,但它对人类没有什么用处。

8.Especially on top class form teaching class, if having ingenious pronunciation to guide method effect to be going to be very notable.特别是在大班形式的教学课上,如果有巧妙的发音指导方法效果会非常显著。

9.Now, though, a pair of Canadian engineers have come up with an ingenious way of using the heat of the sun to drive the process.但是现在有两位来自加拿大的工程师找到了一种独创性的方法-----用太阳的热能进行海水淡化。

10.Soon his ingenious criminal methods, coupled with his singular love of fair play, found him a warm place in the nation's heart.很快,他杰出的犯罪方法和他的公明磊落让他在全国闻名。