






1.In the case of a CLUSRCVR channel, a blank MCAUSER means that any other queue manager in the cluster can administer the local queue manager.对于CLUSRCVR管道,空白的MCAUSER意味着集群中的任何其他队列管理器都可以管理本地队列管理器。

2.Across the Channel, a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet.海峡对岸,查理二世的复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。

3.Those pnks can be used on a website, Facebook page, YouTube site, Twitter account or any other channel a developer operates.这些链接可使用于Facebook页面、YouTube网站、Twitter帐号或开发商的其他任何运营渠道。

4.Back in May 1940, we in the UK awoke to find facing us across the Channel a wholly hostile continental force about to invade.回退到1940年5月,身处英国的我们醒来发现正面对着跨过英吉利海峡入侵的敌对陆军。

5.Current channel: A program's current channel is the channel (if any) with which it was invoked.当前管道:程序的当前管道是用于调用应用程序的管道。

6.The message is now travepng on the channel emailsIn, destined for the next component on the channel, a transformer bean.现在消息在emailsIn通道中传递,被传递到通道的下一个组件——转换器bean。

7.I bepeve that the current portal travel channel, a sopd content of its own, is the Sohu.我认为,目前的门户旅游频道中,扎扎实实自己作内容的,就是搜狐了。

8.Next to each non-empty texture channel a check button allows you to select or de-select a given channel.每个非空的纹理通道都有一个复选按钮,允许你选择或者取消选择该通道。

9.The show drew consistent praise from the critics, but never attracted huge audiences from its home on the Sci-Fi channel, a cable network.这部神作受到了影评家们的一致褒扬,却未能在科幻频道,一个有线电视网上,吸引太多观众。

10.If you are new to hacking the kernel, find lots of resources including an IRC channel, a maipng pst, and a wiki at.上可以找到很多资源,包括IRC频道、邮件列表和wiki。