


美式发音: [ˈbutˌleɡ] 英式发音: [ˈbuːtˌleɡ]





第三人称单数:bootlegs  现在分词:bootlegging  过去式:bootlegged  同义词反义词




bootleg显示所有例句adj.— see alsopirate

1.[obn]非法制造贩卖的made and sold illegally

a bootleg CD(= for example, one recorded illegally at a concert)一张非法录制的 CD


1.~ sth非法生产或销售(商品,尤指酒)to make or sell goods, especially alcohol, illegally




v.1.to make or sell something illegally, especially music or alcohol

n.1.a CD or record that has been recorded illegally2.a series of movements in football when a quarterback pretends to give the ball to another player, but instead hides the ball and passes or moves it to the other side

adj.1.bootleg goods are made and sold illegally

1.非法制造酒等 8.bounty n. 奖励金,补助金 6.bootleg vt. 非法制造酒等;走私 bind out 订立契约当学徒 ...

2.靴筒 靴袢〖 bootstrap〗 靴筒bootleg〗 靴 xuē ...

3.靴统 靴袢〖 bootstrap〗 靴统bootleg〗 靴 xuē ...

4.走私 27.Bomb 残败,大败 28.Bootleg 盗版,走私 29.Boozehound 酒鬼 ...

5.私制唱片私制唱片(Bootleg) 这是一种更不正式的唱片了,而且根本就不是合法的东西. 它是由歌迷自己在现场用录音机或摄象机偷偷录制 …

6.靴子腿正如歌迷自制靴子腿Bootleg)《如果你冷》中的作品,张悬对弹唱小品的演绎更多地注重情感和内涵的诠释,内心化压倒表 …


1.Bootleg copies of the "Dark Knight" and Shenzen sweatshops churning out fake Louis Vuitton bags are only part of the problem.“黑骑士”的违法盗版和深圳血汗工厂生产路易威登包仅是问题的一部分。

2.Mr. Hong was more than a simple distributor of bootleg software.洪磊并不是简单的盗版软件销售者。

3.A bootleg copy of "Mulan" is much cheaper than the real thing and possibly just as good, other than the fact that it is stolen.一册盗版的“木兰”比正版的便宜多了,而质量可能一样好,只不过事实就是它是剽窃的(侵犯了版权)。

4.Bootlegging might be profitable, but it is steapng. If you bootleg a movie, you are a criminal.盗录可能利润很可观,但是这是偷窃行为。如果你盗录电影,你就是一个罪犯。

5.Customs officials have seen a rise in bootleg cigarettes as their fellow countrymen go in search of a cheaper smoke.海关官员们发现,由于人们寻找更便宜的卷烟,非法卷烟增多了。

6.People used to buy bootleg CDs and Japanese imports containing music that none of their friends could get hold of.过去人们经常购买盗版光碟和从日本进口的商品,那里面有他们的朋友所不能获得的音乐。

7.I just want to see the bootleg properly documented as a bootleg, and the $100 of cash spent in verifying as such not wasted.我只是希望看到一个盗版妥善记录了盗版,以及美元在诸如不浪费核实花百元现金。

8.The popce confiscated a considerable amount of bootleg wine recently around Taiwan.警方在全台各地查获了大量的私酿酒。

9.But these same trends have also increased intellectual piracy, from illegal file downloads to bootleg recordings to counterfeit products.可是上述趋势也导致盗取知识产权的行为增加,从非法下载文件到盗录制品和仿冒产品皆有。

10.He wanted to run bootleg whisky to the border , and get into the big money.他要把私酿的威士忌酒偷运到边界去赚大钱。