


美式发音: [buz] 英式发音: [buːz]




第三人称单数:boozes  现在分词:boozing  过去式:boozed  



1.[u](informal)酒精饮料alcohopc drink


1.[i](informal)喝酒;(尤指)狂饮to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities

He's out boozing with his mates.他和他的朋友们喝酒去了。



v.1.to drink alcohol

n.1.alcohopc drink

1.酒 downed: 喝下去的 booze barfing my guts up: 把吃进去的都吐出来 ...

2.豪饮 ) gutter n. 水槽 ) booze v. 豪饮 ) company n. 伴侣,朋友 ...

3.酒宴 proselytize 使……皈依 booze 痛饮,狂饮,酒宴 gauze 沙布,薄纱 ...

4.痛饮 proselytize 使……皈依 booze 痛饮,狂饮,酒宴 gauze 沙布,薄纱 ...

5.狂饮 proselytize 使……皈依 booze 痛饮,狂饮,酒宴 gauze 沙布,薄纱 ...

6.烈酒 doughnut: 甜甜圈 booze: 烈酒 crack: 强效可卡因 ...

7.喝酒 Spuds 土豆 Booze 酒, 喝酒 Black Eye 鼻青脸肿 ...

8.烈性酒 3.bill of fare 价目表 4.booze 烈性酒 5.mud 泥浆 ...


1.Bush of that time became very restless and bored. He had other issues as well. Booze was one.那时的布什变得无聊而焦躁,而且,还有其他问题困扰着他,酗酒就是其中一项。

2.So after begging his old lady for an hour, George got the OK the go out with the guys as long as he stayed off of the booze.就这样,苦苦哀求他的老婆子一个小时后,乔治得到许可和伙计们出去,条件是他离酒精远远的。

3.Also a Mecca for Southern State teenagers who upon finishing school, head north for a week of booze and debauchery.学校放假后,他们纷纷北上,在那里酗酒、放荡一个星期。

4.Having a bit of booze around may dull their senses a bit, but it keeps them working those long hours.喝一滴烈性酒可能会让他们的感觉麻木,但是能让他们进行那么长时间的工作。

5.I'm such a wimp that if I downed as much booze as he does, I'd be barfing my guts up nonstop.我真没用(或,我真窝囊)。如果灌进去和他一样多的酒,我恐怕肠子都要吐出来了。

6.That was all she could afford, having blown the rest of her week's paycheck and tips on booze the night before.那就是她能负担的全部,(因为)她昨晚已经将这个星期剩下的全部薪水和小费都花在喝酒上面了。

7.You're only a bit fat. Why the long face? Try giving up the booze.(你只是胖了一点,为什么愁眉苦脸呢?试试戒酒吧)。

8.So far only a few have had their corks replaced, while the majority are still immersed in water to prevent air from spoipng the booze.到目前为止,一些香槟已经更换了软木塞,然而大部分的香槟仍然浸没在水下,防止空气使这些香槟变质。

9.Cheap booze known as "British wine, " made at home from imported grape juice, threatens the reputation of its flashier cousins.英国用进口葡萄汁加工而成的廉价酒向来被冠以“英国葡萄酒”的称号,这有损于英国高端葡萄酒的声名。

10.You know, put the booze in your purse, have your ashes everywhere, drinking, smoking constantly.你知道,包里装着酒,到处跑,喝酒,不停抽烟。