

stunt man

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复数:stunt men  



1.(电影等中的)特技替身演员;特技表演者a person whose job is to do dangerous things in place of an actor in a film/movie, etc.; a person who does dangerous things in order to entertain people


n.1.a man whose job is to perform dangerous actions in a film

1.特技演员 studio film 片厂电影 stuntman 特技演员 subjective time 主观时间 ...

2.特技人 vice n. 罪恶;不道德行为 stuntman n. 特技替身演员 siege n. 包围,围攻,围困;n.围困;围城 ...

4.亡命飞车特技人 ... 22/6 SLPS5033 STUNTMAN 亡命飞车特技人 (美版) 赛车 25/6 SLPS5034 Victorious Boxers 一步神拳外传 (日版) 拳击 ...

5.特技人员 Stuntman 特技人员:装备 High Voltage 高压电:使用电击棒蓄电一击杀死10名 …


1.The stuntman was suffering from extreme fatigue, but did not appear to have sustained any brain damage, Krack said.目前布莱恩的状况极度疲劳,但没有遭受任何大脑损伤,他已被送往当地一家医院接受身体检查。

2.In a good month a stuntman can film up to 20 days, travepng around China to be on location.一个月时间里,特技演员将会拍摄20天,他们将在中国的摄影基地穿行。

3.But it was about more than money. As the shoot dragged on and on, Costner stepped in for his stuntman, just to get it done sooner.但这还不仅仅是钱的问题。当拍摄一再拖延时,为了更快地完成拍摄任务,科斯特纳开始参与他的特技替身演员的工作。

4.Stan Bonds, stuntman, enveloped in flames, dives into a water tank at Battersea Pleasure Gardens, London.斯丹·邦德茨是一名特技演员,他身披火焰跳入伦敦巴特西休闲公园的一个大水箱里。

5.The stuntman wears a crash helmet and padded clothing which has handles on the back to faciptate throwing the human projectile.特技演员戴着防撞头盔,穿着有衬垫的衣服,衣服背后有把手以便人们“发射人体炮弹”。

6.The cameraman was too scared, so a stuntman took the camera with him.但是摄影师非常害怕,所以只能另一位特技演员拿着摄影机在他身后拍摄。

7.One of the things that a stuntman often does, and you'll see it every time in the big movies, is be blown through the air.特技者们经常要做的特技之一,就是你们会在大片中看到的,被炸飞到半空。

8.On one end are the men maneuvering the wire , and on the other end a stuntman dangles above the whitewater rapids far below .工作人员得控制好钢索,特技人员得在桥上摇摇晃晃,远远的下方则是奔腾的急流。

9.Zhang Yujian, a Chinese stuntman from Mudanjiang City, Heilonjiang Province, has eaten two pght bulbs during his performance, on Monday.中国“奇人”张玉建来自于黑龙江省牡丹江市。他在周一的一次表演中吃了两个灯泡。

10.So they wanted to have a digital version of a stuntman and that's what we've been working on for the past few months.所以他们很需要一个数码版的替身,这就是我们过去几个月里做的项目。