


美式发音: 英式发音: [beiˈru:t]





un.1.capital, port, and largest city in Lebanon, situated on the Mediterranean Sea.

1.贝鲁特 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 Beirut 贝鲁特 Amman 安曼 ...

2.黎巴嫩 Almaty 哈萨克斯坦 Beirut 黎巴嫩 Auckland 新西兰 ...

3.黎巴嫩贝鲁特 Barcelona 巴塞罗那美国 Beirut 贝鲁特黎巴嫩 Bordeaux 波尔多法国 ...

5.黎巴嫩的贝鲁特 ... 14) 塞浦路斯的利马索尔( LIMASSOL) 15) 黎巴嫩的贝鲁特BEIRUT) 16) 叙利亚的拉塔基亚…

6.贝鲁特乐团 红发美女 Blonde Redhead 贝鲁特乐团 Beirut 国民乐团 The National ...

7.贝鲁特乐队 BAUHAUS( 鲍豪斯乐队) BEIRUT( 贝鲁特乐队) BELLY( 子宫) ...

8.北部贝鲁特小道通向地下岩洞,他们带着孩子和同伴打算在岩洞庆祝圣诞节。岩洞位于黎巴嫩山区北部贝鲁特Beirut)的Rweiss村,该 …


1.Since the Eleventh century, there has been a sizable Druze presence, concentrated in rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut.从11世纪开始,就已经有大量的德鲁士出现,主要集中在乡村地区,东部山区和贝鲁特南部。

2.Two other explosions Sunday reverberated across Beirut, apparently caused by an air raid on Hezbollah areas in the southern suburbs.周日时,另外两起爆炸横越贝鲁特,显然地是由空袭位于西部郊区的真主党的区域。

3.Secretary General Moussa said he would be going to Beirut in the next few days for talks on the proposal.穆萨说,他将在未来几天前往贝鲁特讨论这份建议书。

4.Yet weeks later he told Hariri that President Lahoud was staying, and he would break Beirut over the premier's head if he resisted this.然而几周以后,巴沙尔便告知哈里里:拉胡德总统将留任,如果哈里里抵制这一安排,他会让哈里里在贝鲁特磕得头破血流。

5.Staff working in the Islamic finance sector will be able to enter computer-based exams in London and Beirut from November 2006.有意从事伊斯兰财经领域工作的人员从2006年十一月就可以在伦敦和贝鲁特通过计算机参加考试。

6.Thousands of shabab had been camping out in downtown Beirut for the past month in the hope of bringing down Lebanon's U. S.过去一个月里,数千名年轻人在贝鲁特市区露营抗议,希望使黎巴嫩以美国为后台的政府下台。

7.Midnight - No trip to Beirut is complete without partying in Music Hall, an old cinema converted into a cabaret-style venue.午夜--如果不去音乐厅,贝鲁特之行就不算完整。

8.At this time there was a bookshop in Beirut where you could buy language guides and tapes for all the languages of the world.当时,贝鲁特有一家书店能买到世界上所有语言的入门手册和录音带。

9.Mona Hatoum was born into a Palestinian family in Beirut, Lebanon in 1952 and now pves and works in London and Berpn.莫娜·哈透姆1952年出生于贝鲁特的一个巴勒斯坦家庭,目前生活和工作于伦敦和柏林。

10.From the interwar period a number of schools sprang up in Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus and Tunis.从两次世界大战时期开始,学校如雨后春笋般涌现,无论在巴格达,贝鲁特还是开罗,大马士革和突尼斯。