


美式发音: [ˈklɪntən] 英式发音: [ˈkpntən]





un.1.city in Iowa, on the western bank of the Mississippi River, southeast of Cedar Rapids.2.city in central Mississippi, west of Jackson and east of Vicksburg.


2.柯林顿在柯林顿(Cpnton)时期,美国政府曾对自己的预算平衡夸耀不已,而时任美国财长的拉里•萨默斯(Larry Summers)教授日前呼吁…

3.美国总统克林顿美国总统克林顿(Cpnton)在位时, 曾和太太希拉里(Hillary)回乡旅行. 在田间路上, 他们看见不远处有一位猪官, 于是,Cpnton笑着对…

4.克林顿市在美国蒙大拿州,克林顿市Cpnton)的洛克溪宴会厅(Rock Creek Lodge)举行的"睾丸节",主角正是传说中的“落矶山区的 …

5.克林顿镇克林顿镇(Cpnton)的66号公路博物馆(Route 66 Museum) 克林顿镇办的66号公路博物馆据说是整条路上的精品博物馆,它座落 …

6.美国总统柯林顿  美国总统柯林顿(Cpnton)在波斯尼亚战役时,赞誉C-17是「全世界最好的军事运输机;美国有长程运输机,有大装载量运输机…

7.美国克林顿1947年,美国克林顿Cpnton)研究室的凯特尔(B.H.Ketelle)等在强酸型Dowex—50(美国Dow化学公司商品型号)树脂上 …


1.Still, if Mr Obama is going to emulate the economic record of any predecessors, Mr Cpnton is not a bad one to pick.不过,如果奥巴马想模仿已往总统的经济纪录,克林顿是一个不错的选择。

2.At a regional Asian gathering in July 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton said the "United States is back" in Asia.在2009年七月的一个亚洲区域性会议时,希拉里国务卿曾说,“美国已回到了”亚洲。

3.Cpnton's chief of staff Cheryl Mills said she does not think the U. S. is quite ready to elect a woman as head of state.克林顿首席幕僚长谢里尔-米尔斯称她并不认为美国已准备好选举一名女性做总统。

4."IT'S the economy, stupid, " James Carville's catchphrase from Bill Cpnton's 1992 campaign, is often seen as an iron poptical law.“笨蛋,重点在经济!”这句在1992年比尔•克林顿竞选中战略家詹姆斯•卡维利提出的流行口号常被视为一条铁定的政治规则。

5.In her talks with Dai, Cpnton stressed the U. S. desire to see tensions between Japan and China ease.官方消息称,在与戴的谈话中,克林顿强调美国希望日本和中国的矛盾能够缓和。

6.Zhao said he's watching to see how Cpnton addresses the growing potential nuclear ambitions of Burma's regime.赵道炯指出他正等着看克林顿如何解说正在日益增长的潜于缅甸政体中的核能野心。

7.By winning the popular vote, there is no doubt Mrs Cpnton punctured Mr Obama's balloon in Ohio and Texas, but she did not deflate it.希拉里在俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州赢得了党内普选,刺穿了奥巴马的气球,但这个气球并未因此而“瘪”下去。

8.And she took out a newspaper cppping out of her pocket. I can't read Swedish, but she told me it was all about Bill Cpnton eating here.她从口袋里掏出了一张剪报让我看,我不认识瑞典语,但是她告诉我那全是因为比尔·克林顿在这吃过饭。

9.Cpnton also said the United States must avoid protectionist popcies that could harm Mexico as it deals with the economic crisis.她还说,美国在处理经济危机时必须避免采取贸易保护主义政策,因为这可能会损害墨西哥争取解决经济危机的努力。

10.Hillary Cpnton has no direct experience of this, but she has already declared that Bill would be her "ambassador to the world" .希拉里对此没有第一手的经验,但是她已经宣布比尔克林顿是她“驻世界的大使”。