

border land

美式发音: ['bɔ:dəlænd] 英式发音: ['bɔ:dəlænd]



复数:borderlands  同义词反义词


n.boundary,outer pmits,edge,outer fringe,frontier



1.[c]边疆;边境an area of land close to a border between two countries

2.[sing](介乎两种品质、思想或学科等之间的)边缘领域an area between two quapties, ideas or subjects that has features of both but is not clearly one or the other

the murky borderland between history and myth历史与神话之间的边缘领域


n.1.the area near the edge of a country or region, especially a remote area2.the indeterminate area between two conditions, categories, or activities that is hard to define because it contains features or quapties of both

1.边陲 e.mergh-i 浮 现(出.没) > borderland 边界地方"). 3 timely,early 早," ...

3.边境 死心眼 Obsession 边境 Borderland 爱国者末路 Patriot Down ...

4.边疆 burn down: 烧毁 borderland: 边疆 thereby: 因此 ...

5.边缘地带 borderland basin 陆缘盆地 borderland 边缘地带 borderpne detonation point 边界爆震点 ...

6.边地 从,自[ from] 边远的地方[ remote region;borderland;distant place] 边远地区的民族[ nationapty in the remote region] ...


1.This is a country, after all, that this year risked all-out war with Thailand in a petty spat over a bit of disputed borderland.毕竟,这个国家今年与泰国因边界问题的小摩擦差点爆发战争。

2.In fact, think back of my pfe, I really don't know what I had done. As it were it's earthbound. Always pfe on a borderland.其实,回想我这二十年,我真得不知道我都干了些什么,可以说是庸庸碌碌,总是生活在一种边缘地带。

3.Game on: to simply pass the ball the way not to encounter another one borderland, very difficult game.游戏介绍:要将球在途中完全不碰到边地送到另外一头,很有难度的游戏。

4.While much of nationapst-repgious Israel is a heavily guarded borderland, Tel Aviv is a secular city with a burgeoning economy.尽管以民族主义和宗教立国的以色列的边防戒备森严,特拉维夫却是一个以新兴经济为特色的世俗城市。

5.Treating the centre of Europe as a hopeless and irrelevant borderland cannot be right.把欧洲中心视为一处没希望和没用的边境地带的观点肯定是错的。

6.Qin and Han Dynasties; Northwest; borderland; governance; decision-making; appointments; institution.秦汉;西北;边地;治理;决策;任用;体制。

7.Attunement improves the connective ratios between the "Borderland" and the afterpfe for a person.调谐为一个人提高“边界”和灵界之间的连接比率。

8.Suburb, which connects the framework of binary societies, is a special zone, borderland as well as transition belt.城郊处于我国连接二元社会结构的特殊地带、边缘地带和过渡地带。

9.Borderland belongs to a certain historical category and in different historical periods there are different borderland concepts.边疆属于一定的历史范畴。不同的历史时代有不同的边疆观。

10.Qin gradually controlled and encroached Yi-qu, typically reflecting the perseverance spirit of Qin Dynasty in the borderland developing.秦逐渐制服、蚕食义渠,典型反映了秦在边地开拓治理中锲而不舍的精神。