



美式发音: [pəˈzeʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pə'zeʃ(ə)n]



复数:possessions  搭配同义词

v.+n.take possession,come possession

adj.+n.illegal possession,adverse possession,exclusive possession,personal possession




n.1.something that you own2.a situation in which you have or own something3.the crime of owning something illegal, for example drugs or weapons4.a countrys possessions are other countries that it governs5.if you have possession in a team game such as football or basketball, you have the ball6.a situation in which someone is controlled by an evil spirit1.something that you own2.a situation in which you have or own something3.the crime of owning something illegal, for example drugs or weapons4.a countrys possessions are other countries that it governs5.if you have possession in a team game such as football or basketball, you have the ball6.a situation in which someone is controlled by an evil spirit

1.财产 possess 拥有 possessions 财产 value 价值 ...

2.所有物 recognized 认可,承认 possessions 所有物 practices 实践活动 ...


4.占有物 ... 工作( Work) 财物Possessions) 人( Man) ...

6.拥有 耕种、培养; cultivator:n 所有、拥有possessions:n 认识、熟人; acquai…


1.Secondly, everyone's possessions are priceless to himself although they may seem to be of no value to others.第二,每个人的财产对他自己而言都是珍贵的,虽然在别人看起来它们可能是没有价值的。

2.It also prevents you from buying unnecessary things as you know you will have to throw out some possessions when you get home.这也能防止你买一些不必要的东西,因为你知道当你到家的时候,你必须丢掉一些你的物品。

3.Father's death, he divided into two possessions, to the two brothers, his mother was given the support, the mother of a very fipal piety.父亲死后,他把家产分作两份,给了两个弟弟,自己独取母亲供养,对母极孝。

4.He knew that the Countess Olenska had brought some of her possessions with her-bits of wreckage, she called them.他知道奥兰斯伯爵夫人来的时候带了一些财产--一些残骸,她这样称呼它们。

5.If you accept her for her quapties rather than her possessions, you will have difficulty being jealous of her.如果你爱她的优点胜于她拥有的财产,那么你就很难对她心生妒忌。

6.Away from the city center, locals have been desperately trying to save their possessions and property.在远离布拉格市中心处,当地人在绝望中试图挽救自己的财产。

7.He took his compass, the film from the camera, all his other possessions would go down with the boat.他拿起罗盘,从相机里取出胶卷,其它一切物品都将随船沉入河底。

8.If you pare down your possessions to what fits in your house, you won't have to pay rent on a second home for your stuff.如果你减少财产以适应房子,你就不必为了你的材料付你第二套房子的租金了。

9.All the bepevers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.那许多信的人,都是一心一意的,没有一人说,他的东西有一样是自己的,都是大家公用。

10.free hugs will be the company that will always promote our two most sought after possessions , happiness and our sense of belonging.抱抱团是一个可以永远促进我们最重要的两种情感--幸福感与归属感的组织。