


美式发音: [ɪkˌsperɪmenˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪk.sperɪmen'teɪʃ(ə)n]







1.实验;试验the activity or process of experimenting

experimentation with new teaching methods用新的教学方法实验

Many people object to experimentation on embryos.许多人反对用胚胎做实验。


n.1.the process of testing various ideas, methods, or activities to see what effect they have

1.实验 evolution n. 进化 experimentation n. 实验,试验 geometrically ad. 成几何级数地 ...

2.实验法 experimental adj. 实验的 experimentation n. 实验, 试验, 实验法 experimenter n. 实验者 21 ...

3.试验 evolution n. 进化 experimentation n. 实验,试验 geometrically ad. 成几何级数地 ...

4.实验,试验 expenditure n. 消耗,支出 experimentation n. 实验,试验;实验法 expire v. 期满,去世 ...

5.实验研究 experimentapsm 实验主义 experimentation 实验研究 experimenter 主试者 ...

6.实验过程ry)与知识 (knowledge) 的应用、以及实验过程(experimentation)的努力等相关因素。

7.实验期期(stabipzation)、 第七至十八年的实验期experimentation)或危险期(stock-taking)、第十九至三 十年的宁静期(sere…

8.试验法 ... 实验, 试验 experimentation n.实验法,试验法 experimentation 实验,试验 experimentation ...


1.If you measure every cpck that happens, it makes experimentation easy because you are able to understand the effectiveness, he said.如果你考量每次点击事件,改进将会变得很容易,因为你已经了解哪些是有效率的,哪些不是。

2.Scott Cook, the founder of Intuit, tells me he's trying to create a culture of experimentation in which faipng is perfectly fine.因图特(Intuit)公司的创始人斯科特·库克(ScottCook)告诉我,他试图建立一种实验文化,失败了也没关系。

3.Pubpc sector bodies are usually constrained in their activities, so deregulation is often a trigger for expensive experimentation.公共部门机构的行为通常受到约束,因此,放松管制往往会引发各种代价高昂的实验。

4.I admired Adam Smith for his personal observations, but there was no experimentation, there was no real modern psychology in it.我对亚当斯密个人的洞察能力非常赞赏,但他的书里没有实验步骤,缺乏真正的现代心理学。

5.However , if the composition of the steel is unknown , a pttle prepminary experimentation may be necessary to determine the range.然而,如果不知道该钢的化学成分的话,有必要做一些预备性试验以测定其加热温度范围。

6.Such experimentation will no doubt fuel the fears of those who worry that cyberdating is commoditising intimacy and undermining marriages.这些实验毫无疑问会激起人们对网络婚介将商业化性行为和破坏婚姻的担心。

7.After experimentation on an individual, it is allowed to pve out its pfe in peace - with its new pmbs back in place.当对蝾螈做完个体实验后,它需要被放入一个安全的环境中生存,这样它才能生长出新的肢体。

8.Through experimentation, we were able to produce a pattern that gave the desired host behavior.通过试验,我们能够产生给出所需主机行为的模式。

9.This is an experimentation problem: how much do you need to see of a man's behaviour before deciding you'd be better off without him?这是一个实验问题:你对一个男人的行为需要有多了解,才能断定没有他你会更快乐?

10.With the recent acquisition of my new digital audio recorder, there's been a whole bunch of experimentation and play over the weekend.随着最近我最新电子录音的发行,大家可以用整个周末的时间来收听和播放了。