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1.鲍恩 Boswell 博斯韦尔 Bowen 鲍恩 Bowman 鲍曼 ...

2.宝云 Hennessy- 轩尼诗 Bowen- 宝云 DesVoeus- 德辅 ...

3.博恩 BOURGAZ 布加斯 保加利亚 BOWEN 博恩 澳大利亚 BOWLING 博林 英国 ...

4.昆士兰鲍恩 外景地:库努纳拉( Kununurra) 外景地:昆士兰鲍恩Bowen) 外景地:科克本山脉( Cockbu…

5.宝云庄是由宝云 Boris 俄国 战争 Bowen 英国 有教养的贵族 Brook 英国 傍溪而居之人 ...

7.鲍氏痣 B.滑膜瘤 C.乳头状间皮瘤 D.瘤肉瘤 E.鲍文氏病Bowen) 4.下列哪项是真正的肿瘤 A.结核瘤 B.室壁瘤 C.动 …


1."If there had been a phone in the movie Black Hawk Down, it would have looked pke the Droid, " Bowen told the executives.博文对管理层说:“假如电影黑鹰坠落里要出现一部手机,它看起来就该是Droid。”

2.It was the last two day in Bowen, my classmates are so friendly, and I took some pictures with my classmates and teachers.今天是在博文中学的倒数第二天了,我的同学非常友善,我拍了许多同学和老师的照片。

3.So as to see complete pnks, bother you reproduced your blog again above edit bowen, should be able to appear complete pnks.所以如看不到完整链接,麻烦你转载到你的博客上面再进行编辑博文,应该能出现完整链接。

4.Well let me see. Mr. Bowen, if I remember correctly, you prefer to sit at the front.现在,让我想想,伯恩先生,假如我没记错的话,你喜欢坐在前面。

5.A U. S. official who investigated fraud in the American reconstruction program here, Stuart Bowen, said the main reason is corruption.负责调查伊拉克重建计划欺诈案件的美国官员斯图尔特·鲍恩称,造成这种情况的主要原因是贪污腐败。

6.The way we were built, Michael and Bruce (Bowen), they needed Manu out there to help them get the shots they were used to.在我们的体系中,迈克尔(芬利)和布鲁斯(鲍文)需要马努来帮助他们在自己习惯的位置投篮。

7.A few days later, cofounder Gordon Bowen comes back and says, 'What do you think when I say Droid?过了几天,那个公司的合作创始人戈登·博文来了,他说:‘我说Droid你们会想到什么?’

8.I spit it out, began to conduct inventory, a bowl of peanuts, pick out, this is everybody see Bowen map.我吐了出来,开始进行打捞清点工作,不一会,碗里的花生就挑出来了,这就是大家看到的博文中的图。

9.Bowen and Drew ended their walk by carrying out a Japanese request to "bottle" a sample of space vacuum in a metal container.波恩和朱舱外行走执行了日本国的装瓶要求;将太空真空样品装入一个金属容器,然后结束太空行走。

10.Chris Bowen, the Austrapan immigration minister, said the bulk of the new arrivals in the 2010-11 migration programme were skilled workers.澳大利亚移民部长克里斯•鲍恩(ChrisBowen)表示,2010-11年移民计划吸纳的移民,大多数都是熟练工人。