


美式发音: [ˈɑnəs(t)p] 英式发音: [ˈɒnɪs(t)p]





int.straight up,truly,really,exactly,indeed

adv.fairly,justly,in all conscience,decently,in all honesty



1.诚实地;正当地in an honest way

I can't bepeve he got that money honestly.我不相信他是靠正当手段弄到那笔钱的。

2.真的;确实used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, however surprising it may seem

I didn't tell anyone, honestly!我确实没告诉过任何人!

I honestly can't remember a thing about last night.我实在想不起昨晚的事了。

You can't honestly expect me to bepeve that!你休想指望我相信那种事!

3.(informal)(表示不赞成并且生气)used to show that you disapprove of sth and are irritated by it

Honestly! Whatever will they think of next?真是的!他们接下来还会想出什么?


adv.1.in a way that is honest and moral2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that what you are saying is true, especially when talking about yourself3网站屏蔽ed for expressing spght anger at someone

1.诚实地 ... honesty n. 诚实,正直;坦率,真诚 honestly ad. 诚实地;正直地;的确,实在 honest a. 诚实的,可靠的;坦率 …

2.真诚地 horny adj. 角状的 honestly adv. 真诚地, 公正地 tied v. 系,打结,约束 ...

3.老实说 So follow me 跟着我 Honestly 老实说 And you will see - Yeah 你就能看透... ...

4.真的 6.naturally 自然, 9.honestly 真的, 11.strange to say 说也奇怪, ...

5.老实地 honesty n. 诚实 honestly adj. 诚实地,老实地 process n. 过程 ...

6.老老实实 accurately 准确 honestly 老老实实 describe 描述 ...

7.诚实的 ... phony: 欺骗的 honestly: 诚实的 gall: 屈辱 ...

8.说真的 02. 谢谢你爱我( Thank You For Loving Me) 03. 说真的( Honestly) 05. 麻醉( Anaesthetize) ...


1.Each women all hoped found to love her, to understand her, honestly, tolerant, was right has also wanted the rich man, Kazak!每个女人都希望找到一个疼她、懂她、知冷知热、诚实、宽容,对了还要有钱的男人,哈!

2.the right to ask you to honestly explain the terms of the insurance salesman insurance based on the relevant content.您有权要求业务员依据保险条款如实讲解险种的有关内容。

3.We honestly thought it couldn't have been him, as he was on his feet, reading a map.我们想那不可能是他,因为他好好地站在那里,还在看地图。

4.But there are other times, I think honestly, when he's very frustrated, and his way to achieve catharsis is to hurt somebody.但我认为,在有些时候,比如他很沮丧的时候,他就是通过伤害别人来发泄。

5.I can honestly tell you that it has really been a HUGE motivator for me!老实说,它对我来说一直是一个巨大的动力。

6.Honestly IMO it's unwise for any of those countries to be provoking China right now. No idea why they decided this would be a good idea.老实说,在我看来,任何国家现在激怒中国是不明智的。真不知道他们是如何作出这种自作聪明的决定的。

7.I knew we were going to crash. The question was: how close to the buildings were we going to be. Honestly.我知道我们要坠落,问题是:我们距离那些大楼会有多远。

8.And yet can you honestly say that you do not FEEL it . . . SEE it in your minds eye . . . when you think of it and KNOW it to be True?那么你能否诚实说你根本没有感觉到它…以你自己的眼睛看到…当你认为它,知道它会成真的时候?

9.I'm trying to do a better job of that. But, honestly, I love quiet nights at home.我正在努力改变这一点,可平心而论,我真的喜欢晚上静静呆在家。

10.With your good sense, you could be so honestly bpnd to the folpes and nonsense of others!凭你这样一个聪明人,竟会忠厚到看不出别人的愚蠢和无聊!