


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bəʊmən]





bowman— see alsoarcher


n.1.a man or boy who rows at the bow of a boat2.a bowperson on a sailboat, especially a man3.somebody who uses a bow and arrows, or a crossbow

1.弓箭手 Bowen 鲍恩 Bowman 鲍曼 Boyle 波伊尔; 波义耳 ...


5.宝曼 3409.常春藤( Urban Vegetation) 3413.射手鲍曼( Bowman) 3415.赏金杀手( Bounty Killers) ...

7.波曼 bole n. 树干 bowman n. 弓射手, 持弓的兵, 船首的划手 breviary n. 每日祈祷书, 摘要 ...


1."I think. . . he [felt] a strong need to show that if he's not better than he was before, at least he's as good, " Bowman says.鲍曼说:「我认为…他(感到)很有必要让大家知道就算他万一没有比之前进步,至少表现也是一样好。」

2.The swimmer used the opportunity to thank his coach of 15-years Bob Bowman. "Tonight was a very emotional for Bob and I, " said Phelps.菲尔普斯借此机会感谢了15年来栽培他的教练,鲍伯·鲍曼。“今晚对于鲍伯和我而言意味非凡。”菲尔普斯说道。

3.Happy went home Monday afternoon, and Misty Bowman said he started to get excited in the car as they got close to the house.“快乐”于星期一下午回到了家,米丝蒂•鲍曼说,当他们离家越来越近时,车里的小狗开始变得兴奋起来。

4.Michael Bowman, a fifth-generation Coloradan, would be happy to see new economic opportunity in the Central Great Plains.迈克尔·鲍曼(MichaelBowman)是第五代科罗拉多人,他很高兴看到中央大平原地区迎来了新的经济机遇。

5.Renee Bowman said the bodies were her two adopted daughters and they'd been there for at least seven months.这位名叫雷尼鲍曼的妇女声称是她的两个养女的尸体,她们至少在冷库中待了七个月。

6.A bowman took aim at an Eagle and hit him in the heart.一个弓箭手瞄准了一只鹰,并且击中了它的心脏。

7."There is so much emphasis on being close to your kids that it plays tricks with personal identity, " Bowman says.“父母们这么看重与自己孩子的亲密程度以至于我们怀疑是不是他们的身份认同感出了问题,”鲍曼说。

8.Mr. Villalba was dismayed that Google did not appear to have changed since Mr. Bowman left.自从鲍曼先生离开后,谷歌并没有采取改变,比利亚尔先生对此表示很失望。

9.Phelps's coach Bob Bowman became the latest to voice support for Ye, describing attacks on her as "unfair. "菲尔普斯的教练鲍勃•波曼成为支持叶诗文最后的声音,描述了对她的攻击是“不公平”的。

10.Brian Bowman began career as an architect in New York and designed several buildings, none of which were ever built.布莱恩.鲍曼在纽约展开建筑师生涯,并完成数栋大楼的设计图,但却没有任何一个设计能付诸实践完成建造。