




1.单元测试容可能会涉及到:Web测试(webDriver);单元测试(TestNG);Mock(Mockito);重构;数据库重构(DBDeploy)...<br/> 通 …

2.入门 ... Google 的产品质量之道 testNG 入门 TestNG 一基础概念 ...


1.Keep in mind that this GUI is simple for a reason: It demonstrates three of TestNG-Abbot's fixture classes and a few test cases to boot!记住该GUI之所以简单只有一个原因:它演示了TestNG-Abbot的三个fixture类以及一些要引导的测试用例!

2.As I said at the beginning of this column, JUnit 4 and TestNG are similar on the surface.正如我在本文开头所说,JUnit4和TestNG在表面上是相似的。

3.jar are the only two pbraries required to run this example, and com. beust. testng.运行这个例子只需要testng.jar和commons-lang-2.0.jar这两个库,而com.beust.testng.TestNG是TestNG的主类。

4.TestNG-Abbot may be the new kid on the testing block, but it inherits some very useful features from its progenitors.TestNG-Abbot可能是测试工具中的新生儿,但它从其前辈那里继承了一些非常有用的特性。

5.TestNG estabpshed itself as an annotations-based framework long before the modifications to JUnit were in progress.在修改JUnit之前很久,TestNG就已建立为一个基于注释的框架。

6.Better yet, TestNG complements its dependency testing setup with a mechanism for rerunning only failed tests.更有利的是,TestNG采取了只重新运行失败测试的机制,这使它的依赖性测试设置更为完善。

7.TestNG's flexible and parametric fixtures make it an excellent workhorse for defining Selenium's driven acceptance tests.TestNG以其灵活性和参数化fixture成为定义Selenium的驱动验收测试的首选。

8.It's a good thing for me that TestNG's parameter elements are locally scoped.TestNG的parameter元素的作用域是局部的,这对我来说是件好事。

9.With these ideas in mind, I set out to create TestNG 1. 0 almost four years ago and I pubpshed it just for fun and to get some feedback.正是这些想法促使我在一年前着手创建TestNG1.0,我只是觉得好玩才将它发布,而且获得了许多反馈。

10.Note that each step in the use case is done via Selenium -- TestNG just helps with the plumbing, so to speak.请注意:用例中的每一步都是通过Selenium完成的——所以说,TestNG仅仅帮助进行查找。