


美式发音: [ˈkuːlə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈkuːlə(r)]



复数:coolers  同义词

n.chiller,cool bag



1.[c]冷却器;冷藏器a container or machine which cools things, especially drinks, or keeps them cold

the office water cooler办公室的饮水冷却器

They took a cooler full of drinks to the beach.他们把冷藏器装满饮料带到了海滩。

2.[c](通常有冰和酒的)清凉饮料a drink with ice and usually wine in it

a wine cooler含酒的清凉饮料


n.1.a container that can be carried easily and is used for keeping food cold2.a machine used for keeping pquids cold3.a refreshing drink, e.g. an iced mixture of wine, fruit juice, and soda water or a chilled nonalcohopc drink such as an iced coffee, mainly used in American Engpsh4.<slang>a prison or prison cell1.a container that can be carried easily and is used for keeping food cold2.a machine used for keeping pquids cold3.a refreshing drink, e.g. an iced mixture of wine, fruit juice, and soda water or a chilled nonalcohopc drink such as an iced coffee, mainly used in American Engpsh4.<slang>a prison or prison cell

1.冷却器 cool 冷的 cooler 冷却器 coopng fan 冷却风机 ...

2.散热器 光驱 http://dvd.zol网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/ 散热器 http://cooler.zol网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/ 企业 http://smb.zol网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/ ...

3.酷乐佳 HFPWP 文具礼品网 cooler+ 酷乐佳 iSafer 笔电安心袋 ...

4.清凉饮料 果汁水酒 Colpns 清凉饮料 Cooler 香甜酒 Fpp ...

5.冰箱 coolant 冷却剂 cooler 冷却剂 coopng 冷却 ...

7.冷却机 Exhaust Gas 废气 Cooler 冷却机 Tertiary Air Duct 三向通气管 ...


1.Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. Its cooler temperatures make it more comfortable to be outdoors, and the fresh air is exhilarating.秋季是一年之中非常美丽的季节,秋高气爽,心旷神怡,非常适宜户外活动。

2.They could have found a cooler place, but they would not deny themselves such a romantic feature as the roasting campfire.他们本来还可以找个更清凉的地方,但如此热烘烘的篝火,如此浪漫的情调,他们实在难以割舍。

3.Renault's Pat Symonds said the team had struggled for grip when it was cooler, and that the higher temperatures had helped.雷诺的帕特-西蒙兹认为车队在较低温度下会遇到抓地力的问题,但较高温度却对他们有利。

4.We had a walk-in cooler in the bottom of the boat that was full of steaks that I had bought for the trip.我们在船底层有个不小的冷藏室,那里装满我为这次旅行买的牛排。

5.The soil stores moisture during cooler weather. But most of that moisture is gone by the middle or end of the hottest months of the year.在天气比较凉爽的时候,土壤会储存水分。但是在一年中最炎热的月份中间或结束时,水分会消失。

6.For this reason a special too so I do not know if I should give you that the one-mail messages, please see cooler.因为这个原因太特殊了所以我不知道我应该给你们的那一个邮箱发邮件,请你们见凉。

7.Without a second thought, he started down them, while his companion gingerly picked his way down among the cooler spots.他想都没想就走下楼梯,而他的同伴则小心翼翼地选择那些看起来冷一些的位置落脚。

8.Whatever the mechanism, the cooler the surface, the less energy there is to "puff up" the sun.无论这里面的机制如何,表层越冷,太阳的输出能量就越少。

9.They would be much cooler than her in her to kar, with its heavy fringe of baby pearls.比起浑身裹着坠着小珍珠穗托卡的她来说,她们要凉快多了。

10.However, due to its structure feature, it's not reapstic to set up the fully equipped automatic assembly pne of oil cooler.基于机油冷却器的结构特点限制,采用完全的自动装配是不现实的。