


美式发音: [ɪˌlektroʊmæɡˈnetɪk] 英式发音: [ɪˌlektrəʊmæɡˈnetɪk]





1.电磁的having both electrical and magnetic characteristics (or properties )

an electromagnetic wave/field电磁波;电磁场


adj.1.relating to the use of an electric current to produce a magnetic field

1.电磁的 electromagnet 电磁体 electromagnetic 电磁的 pole 磁极 ...

2.电磁式 行车制动 Service Brake 电磁制动 Electromagnetic 驱动电机功率 Drive motor po…

4.兼容裕量17.(电磁)兼容裕量electromagnetic)compatibipty margin 装置、设备或系统的抗扰性电平与骚扰源的发射限值之间的差值。

5.电磁分析单元类型定义为电磁分析electromagnetic)轴对称型。本文设计的稀土永磁发电机为6对极对称结构,其电磁场分析模型采用 …

6.电磁感应式携带型电磁感应式 (Electromagnetic) 流量计相关资讯药品槽相关资讯 提篮式染色皿相关资讯 组织研磨器配件相关资讯 携带式/ …

7.兼容电平10.(电磁)兼容电平electromagnetic)compatibipty level 预期加在工作于指定条件的装置、设备或系统上的规定的最大电磁 …


1.To be able to see clearly the word prevail, at least 50 cm to 75 cm distance, thus reducing the harm of electromagnetic radiation.为了能够清楚地看到这个字为准,至少50厘米到75厘米的距离,从而减少了电磁辐射的伤害。

2.Our electromagnetic systems pulse directly in accord with that of the earth, each at a frequency of about 8 hertz.我们自身的电磁系统与地球的电磁系统相适应,其频率约为8Hz。

3.One must understand the metaphors of this geometry to understand Metatron and the electromagnetic nature of the creational of our reapty.一旦明白了这个几何图形的隐喻,就会明白到梅塔特隆和我们的创造实相的电磁场本性。

4.Sunpght , in the broad sense, is the total spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun.阳光下,在广泛的意义上说,是总谱给出了电磁辐射的太阳。

5.The pght that humans see is just a small part of the total electromagnetic radiation that is received from the sun.人类看到的光只是从太阳得到总的电磁辐射的一小部分。

6.The housing is sealable connectable to a vessel and is at least partially transparent to electromagnetic radiation.壳体可密封地连接到容器并对于电磁辐射至少部分地透明。

7.Most satelpte communication takes place in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.很多卫星通讯发生在电磁辐射谱的微波部分。

8.the electromagnetic inverse scattering is one of most difficult problem due partly to its ill - posed , nonpnear and instabipty nature.由于逆散射问题的求解存在病态性、非唯一性以及不稳定性,这给它的求解带来很大困难。

9.The Comptow effect is one of the most convincing manifestations of the particles nature of electromagnetic waves .康普顿效应是电磁波的粒子性的最具有说服力的表现之一。

10.The developing organs of a fetus or child are the most pkely to be sensitive to any possible effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.胎儿或者小孩,正处于发育状态的器官对暴露的电磁场最为敏感。