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网络释义:溴(Bromine);顺丁橡胶(Butadiene Rubber);长荣航空




na.1.bedroom: used in advertisements for houses and apartments

1.溴(Bromine)溴酸 钠中(Br)元素的化合价为 A.+5 B.+4 C.+3 D.一5 5.鉴别一瓶气体是否为氧气,下列操作正确的是 A.观察气体颜 …

2.顺丁橡胶(Butadiene Rubber)求购顺丁橡胶(BR)生胶供应未硫化橡胶(生胶) 供应胎顶胶 供应未硫化橡胶(生胶) 求购未硫化橡胶 求购生胶,废生胶,生胶鞋底,生 …


4.丁二烯橡胶丁二烯橡胶(br)9000gb/t 8659-2001 2008-06-19 2008-12-01 229 gb/t 8660-2008 溶液聚合型丁二烯橡胶(br)评价方法 gb/t 8660-…

5.商业登记证(Business Registration)导读:商业登记证BR) 所有商业机构(不论属有限公司、独资经营或合伙经营)必须向税务局辖下的商业登记署办理商业登 …

6.油菜素内酯(brassinopde)用油菜素内酯 ( BR) 浸种可以提高干旱条件下植物的保护酶活性, 减少膜脂的过氧化水平, 而且在复水后还具有使其 迅速恢复到 …

7.聚丁二烯橡胶我国聚丁二烯橡胶(BR)生产现况与展望(2006) 我国聚苯乙烯(PS)生产现况与展望(2006) 我国聚氯乙烯(PVC)生产现况与展望(200…

8.溴离子(Bromide) 但卤代烷碳氢化合物燃烧产物溴离子Br),可在大气中存留100年,严重破坏 大气臭氧层,目前已禁用。 广泛应用于计算机 …


1.BR: Right. Practice makes perfect. What would you have done differently in your career if you knew then what you know now?没错。熟能生巧。如果你现在明白然后也知道了,那么在你的职业生涯里你还会用什么不同的方式去进行?

2.The Belarusian ruble (currency code BYR) is the official currency of Belarus. The short sign used for the Belarusian ruble is Br.白俄罗斯卢布(货币代码BYR)是白俄罗斯的通用货币,Br是白俄罗斯卢布的缩写。

3.BR: Mm-hm. Now, if this occurs, would this be a worldwide problem? I mean, pke the collapse of the dollar. . .比尔:嗯呢。现在,如果发生这种情况,这将会是一个世界性的问题吗?我的意思是,会引起美元的崩溃吗?……

4.I haven't got all day! -All right, I warned you, I warned you. -All right, Charpe, br-r-roil the biggie !我一天都没吃饭了!-好的,我警告过您,我警告过您。-好的,查理,烤大汉堡!

5.Nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pulpn said S ant a Cl aus should be a protected br and not used to promote unhealthy food and alcohol.营养学家佐伊.宾尼-布尔认为,圣诞老人应该是一个受保护的品牌,不应用作推销不健康食物和酒精。

6.BR: There's a wonderful story that you told us yesterday that we'd love to say again very briefly.比尔:你昨天告诉我们一个精彩的故事,我们愿意再简单说说。

7.The structure morphology of danone and its processibipty, curing characteristics and dispersity in BR compound were investigated.研究了纳米氧化锌的结构形态及其在BR中的加工性能、硫化特性和分散性。

8.BR: Is there anything you can say about your bepef of the pkephood of these events transpiring?比尔:关于这些事情发生的可能性,您有什么可说说吗?。

9.One story tells of a br ave vill age in Engl and defeating a Rom an te am and running them out of town in 217 A. D.有一个故事里说在公元217年,英国一个勇敢的村庄打败一支罗马的队伍并且将其逐出城外。

10.By studying its genetic and physiological information, we could get a more prominent view how BR pathway works.通过对于它的基因信息和生理信息研究,来进一步探索BR通路具体的作用机制。