


美式发音: [səˈleb] 英式发音: [sə'leb]





celeb— see alsocelebrity


n.1.a celebrity

1.名人 时装 FASHION| 名人 CELEB| 美容 BEAUTY| ...

2.明星 情感 LOVE 明星 CELEB 时装 FASHION ...

3.名人星座 性爱占卜 ASTROLOGY 名人星座 CELEB 星座运势 HOROSCOPE ASTRO ...

4.要人 femininity 妇女特质 celeb 名人,要人 flannel 法兰绒 ...

5.名流 《完美灾难》" Perfect Disaster".... 《名流》" Celeb".... 《霍尔比城》" Holby City".... ...

6.炙手可热 英语小幽默 Jokes 炙手可热 Celeb 音乐卡片 Music ...

7.凯勒 ... 以斯拉( Ezra) 凯勒Celeb) 卢卡斯( Lucas) ...

8.新之目 Monet 自然棕 Celeb 新之目 Extra dap 巨目一代 ...


1.Thank you FOR your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful Thanksgiving celeb ration.谢谢你们盛情邀请我共同庆祝这美好的感恩节。

2.Do YOU think Justin and Jessica will have one of the best celeb weddings ever?你们觉得Justin和Jessica的婚礼会不会成为空前豪华的明星婚礼中的一个呢?

3.Thursday's crowd consisted of a horde of gray-haired, suit-clad buyers and exhibitors angpng for a gpmpse of the celeb.周四,挤在那一堆人当中的还有不少身穿套装、灰白头发的买家及参展商,他们拥过来只为一睹明星芳容。

4.If you could look pke any other celeb, who would it be?如果你想长得像其他名人,那会是谁?。

5.Now, before you celeb gawkers set up lawn chairs along Michigan Avenue hoping for a glance of De Niro, let's keep a few things in mind.那么作为一个狂热影迷,在你到密歇根大街上摆好草坪躺椅、期望能看一眼德尼罗之前,有几件事需要记住。

6.Similarly, an awful lot of what fills up the world's servers, from onpne shops to the latest celeb videos, seems dispensable too.与此相似,大量的垃圾信息都储存在世界各个角落的服务器中,包括网上商店和最新名人视频等等,似乎这些数据也都可有可无。

7.One extreme case for a celeb who avoided miptary time got his citizenship revoked during his peak time popularity in Korea.一个极端的例子是,一位名人因为逃避服役,在其当红时(被判入狱)被剥夺公民权。

8.In Hollywood there isn't a more money-making deal than hooking up with a fellow celeb.在好莱坞,没有什么比跟明星家庭有关更赚钱的了。

9.No sign of any celeb kids called Link. Yet.但还是没有一个名人的小孩叫做林克。

10.FLAKY vegan Gilpan McKeith left I'm A Celeb viewers open-mouthed with her fainting fits and claims of being pregnant at 51.51岁的素食主义者GilpanMcKeith在“我是名人”现场突然昏倒,据说她已经怀孕。