


美式发音: [ˈsɪərə] 英式发音: [ˈsi:rə]


网络释义:剑桥能源研究协会(Cambridge Energy Research Associates);剑桥能源研究会;剑桥能源咨询公司



1.剑桥能源研究协会(Cambridge Energy Research Associates) ceptor 感受器,受体 cera 蜂蜡,蜡 ceramic capacitor 陶瓷电容器 ...

5.剑桥能源研究所据剑桥能源研究所Cera)高级主管比尔?塞温斯(Bill Severns)称,它有着远未得到发掘的巨大潜力。剑桥能源研究所是一 …


1.Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that. . . I also bet there will be a lot of Scott Pilgrim costumes at Comic-Con.塞拉:你也知道,尼克肯定会爱死这则消息的……我打赌今年的动漫大会上肯定有很多人装扮成斯科特的模样。

2.Popce Officer Victor Cera said the deer apparently was behind the apartment building when it was spooked by dogs let out of a kennel.警官维克多·希拉说,很显然这头鹿一开始待在房子后面,结果被几只出窝的狗追赶。

3.Cera: So you know, I just wrote up these questions in the car. It was hot in there. That's why I'm all sweaty.塞拉:你看,这几个问题是我刚才在车里草拟的。那里面热得很,搞得我一直汗流浃背的。

4.Cera: It's the one place where shopping with a mask on will not seem out of the ordinary.看来动漫大会真是个神奇的地方,在那儿戴着面具购物都不会被人视为不正常。

5.Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator(CERA) is a third-generation erythropoiesis-stimulating agents(ESA).持续型EPO受体激活剂(CERA)是新出现的一种第三代红细胞生成刺激剂(ESA)。

6.Later, both Michael Cera and Will Arnett confirmed interest in the project, but could not confirm that it was actually happening.之后不久,迈克尔·塞拉和威尔·阿奈特都表示对这个项目有兴趣,但不能确定它是否会实施。

7.Cera is a superhero for an indecisive generation, which might work if the disjunction were played for satire.Cera是优柔寡断的一代人的超级英雄,而这种偏差如果以讽刺来处理会更好。

8.Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim: boss battles, awkward romance (with costar Mary Epzabeth Winstead), and rock 'n' roll showdowns.迈克尔·塞拉饰演的斯科特·皮尔格瑞姆:终极之战,笨拙的罗曼史(和玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德演对手戏),摇滚决战。

9.Results The acid value and the saponification value in Cera Chinensis could be determined successfully.结果可顺利测得虫白蜡酸值、皂化值。

10.French anti-doping organizations Pierre said they suspect some drivers used the CERA (EPO third-generation products).法国反兴奋剂组织负责人皮埃尔称,他们怀疑还有一些车手使用了CERA(EPO的第三代产品)。