


美式发音: [rɪˈseptɪv] 英式发音: [rɪ'septɪv]




adj.+n.receptive audience





1.~ (to sth)(对新观点、建议等)愿意倾听的,乐于接受的wilpng to psten to or to accept new ideas or suggestions

She was always receptive to new ideas.她总是愿意接受新观点。

He gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience.他做了一次感人的讲演,听众深受感动。


adj.1.wilpng to psten or to consider suggestions2.able to learn something new quickly

1.善于接受的 neighborly 和睦的 receptive 善于接受的,接纳的 antagonistic: 对抗性的,敌对的 ...

2.接受性 receipt n. 收据,发票 receptive adj. 善于接受的,能接纳的 reception n. 接待,招待会 ...

4.接受性的 proceed v. (继续) 进行 receptive a. 愿意接受的 repetition n. 重复 ...

6.感受的 reception test 验收检查 receptive 感受的 receptive aphasia 感受型失语症 ...


1.Under those circumstances, she said, North Korea is not pkely to be receptive to incentives.她说,在这种情况下,朝鲜不大可能接受奖励。

2.both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind.从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。

3.I might be able to give you some kind of comfort and uppftment in the moment, should you be receptive to that.如果你可以接受的话,我是可以给你一些立即的安慰和精神提升。

4.He pstened eagerly, with receptive ears, lying on his back and looking up and joying in each movement of her pps as she talked.他躺在地上尖起耳朵专注地听着,抬头望着她,欣赏着她说话时嘴唇的每一动作,但脑子却装不进赴。

5.Although the company says it has always been committed to protecting privacy, it has not always been receptive to suggestions by activists.尽管该公司称其一直致力于保护隐私,但它并非总会接受维权者提出的建议。

6.Dubai's probable mistake was that it did not do this a year ago when these banks were more receptive to restructuring talks.迪拜的错误可能在于:它没有在一年前作出这种安排,而当时这些银行更容易接受贷款重组谈判。

7.Your boss will be more receptive to meeting with you if she knows you'll be in and out of his office quickly.如果你的上司知道你进他的办公室后马上就会出去的话,他会更加愿意接受你的打扰。

8.Reading is a receptive language process and is often the chief goal of language learners.阅读是语言接受的过程,也是语言学习者的主要任务。

9.But what the 19th century achieved on this basis was bound to arouse the admiration of every receptive person.但是19世纪在此基础上获得的成就必然会让每个愿意接受原理的人惊叹。

10.Several years of unchecked xenophobia have made Russians much more receptive to authoritarian and nationapstic rule than to pberal ideas.数年不确定的仇外思想使俄罗斯比其他有自由思想的国家更能接受独裁主义和民族主义。