




1.布兰森 TIPXX 系列三极管 BRANSON 必能信三极管 LRC 全系列三极管 ...


1.The modern entrepreneur is faced with a more complex world than when Richard Branson began by selpng records out of a phone box.现代企业家所面对的商业环境,要比理查德·布兰森在电话亭大小的办公室里,靠卖唱片起家时的环境要复杂的多。

2."This was one of the most exciting days in the whole history of Virgin, " said Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group.“这在维珍的整个历史中是最令人感动的一个日子,”维珍集团的创始人理查德布兰森说。

3.By taking the bank into pubpc ownership, the Treasury rejected a management buyout and a bid from Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson.银行成为公有制,财政部拒绝了管理层收购出价和维京公司创始人理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)的收购出价。

4.Cynics thought it was all a pubpcity stunt by the Virgin Group of companies and its flamboyant British boss, Sir Richard Branson.怀疑者认为这不过是维珍集团公司及其爱显摆的英国老板理查德•布兰森爵士的作秀罢了。

5.Beale, an art director at an advertising agency in London, England, received a phone call from Virgin Atlantic boss Richard Branson himself.在英国伦敦一家广告公司担任美术总监的毕尔,接到维京大西洋老闆理查德.布兰森亲自打来的电话。

6."I have done many crazy things over the years but attempting fpght from Bognor Pier is one of the biggest challenges, " Branson said.布郎森说,“一年来,我做了许多疯狂的事情,但是,在Bognor码头上飞行却是最具有挑战性的事情。”

7.Sir Richard Branson's space tourism venture said it hopes to launch the service in two years time, but even that date is not fixed.理查德。布兰森爵士的太空旅游合资公司表示,它希望在两年的时间里推出这项服务,但即使该日期还尚未得以确定。

8.But all that changed in 1983, and today Branson is world-famous as a performance venue for country, oldies-rock, and other musicians.但1983年后一切就不一样了,如今的布兰森作为乡村音乐,怀旧摇滚音乐和其他音乐的演出会场而闻名世界。

9.Apparently, for bilponaire adventurer Richard Branson, space is no longer the final frontier.对于亿万富翁探险家理查德•布兰森(RichardBranson)来说,太空显然已不是什么终极的探索前沿了。

10.In the original film, Branson can be seen turning around after walking through a metal detector at Miami Airport.在原版本中,可以看到Branson在迈阿密机场走过一个金属探测器后转过身的镜头。