


美式发音: [ˈbrazəvɪl] 英式发音: [ˈbræzəvil]





n.1.[City]the capital of Repubpc of the Congo

1.布拉柴维尔 Maputo 马普托 Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔 Cape Town 开普敦 ...

2.布拉柴维尔市 Kongo 刚果, Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔 刚果, Lesotho 莱索托, ...

6.布拉扎维 brazilwood 苏木 Brazzaville 布拉扎维 breach of duty 失职 ...

7.刚果共和国 (Portugal) 马德拉群岛(葡萄牙) (Brazzaville) 刚果共和国 (Ivory Coast) 科特迪瓦(象牙海岸) ...


1.Votes have been counted in a presidential election in the west African state of Congo-Brazzaville.西非国家刚果布拉柴维尔总统选举的计票工作正在进行。

2.Retaining the unwelcome distinction of the world's worst city in which to pve was Brazzaville, Congo.在调查报告中,刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔“世界上最不适合居住的城市”。

3.Four cases from Brazzaville and Likouala have been laboratory confirmed with cholera.经实验室证实,来自布拉柴维尔和利夸拉的四个病例被确诊为霍乱。

4.The kit was tested in Chad, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville, Jamaica, Guyana, Maldives and Iraq before being launched.在开始推出宝盒前,它在乍得、利比里亚、刚果首都、牙买加、圭亚那、马尔代夫和伊拉克了测试。

5.Wen left Accra, capital of Ghana, for Brazzaville after concluding his official visit to Egypt and Ghana.温家宝是在结束了对埃及和加纳的正式访问后,从加纳首都阿克拉飞抵布拉柴维尔的。

6.She also said that the current Congo (Brazzaville) the WHO, UNICEF and other agencies help, has started to take response measures.她还表示,目前刚果(布)政府在世卫组织、联合国儿童基金会等机构的帮助下,已开始采取应对措施。

7.Congo (Brazzaville) only by a river of Congo (DRC) has also cholera outbreak.与刚果(布)仅一河之隔的刚果(金)近日也暴发霍乱疫情。

8.This photo was taken before the Great Depression in Brazzaville, Congo.这张照片是大萧条之前,在刚果的布拉扎维拍摄的。

9.the capital of Zaire on the Congo river opposite Brazzaville.扎伊尔首都,位于刚果河边与布拉萨维尔相对。

10.He formed a band, Victoria Kin, named after Victoria Brazza, a rival in the French Congo (today's Repubpc of Congo-Brazzaville).温杜老爹组建了一支乐队,名为维多利亚•金乐团,这是以法国殖民下的刚果(今天的刚果共和国-布拉扎维)的对手维多利亚•布拉扎而命名的。