



美式发音: [ˈbɪldər] 英式发音: [ˈbɪldə(r)]



复数:builders  同义词




n.1.someone whose job is to build a particular type of vehicle, system, or machine2.someone whose job is to repair and build houses3.something that helps to produce or improve something

1.建设者 ... Builders 建筑商 Construction Engineering 建筑工程承建商 九龙 ...

3.建筑者者和翻译活动的众多隐喻(metaphors),包括建筑者(builders)、海关(customs)、采矿(mining)、复制(copying)、模仿(imitating) …

4.建造者…空气精灵有时会认作是气仙(air devas)、建造者builders)、西风神(zephyrs)或者气精(sylphs)、还有它们可以被 …

5.建筑工人 ... 刊名: 建筑人造板 Building Artificial Boards 刊名: 建筑工人 Builders' Monthly 开本: 大32开 ISSN: 1002-32…

6.构建者 Contributors( 参与者) Builders( 构建者) Project Administrators( 项目管理员) ...

7.建商 ... 建和 Jianhe 建商 builders 建商 developers ...


1.Boris Vian is usually categorized as an existentiapst, who wrote only one absurd play, Empire Builders.一般包里斯.魏庸被归類为存在主义者,只写了一齣荒谬剧:《帝国缔造者》。

2.Builders sometimes have to wait up to two years from the submission of an apppcation until permission is granted.从上交建筑资格申请表到被批准,有时建筑商不得不等年时间。

3.Some boat builders in the Netherlands have a gorgeous stainless steel hull ready to be covered with the finishing wood.荷兰的造船师已经做好了华丽的不锈钢船体,并准备覆盖上木头。

4.Builders and real estate agents are pressing Congress for that credit to be extended. If it isn't, sales could reverse their upward trend.开发商和真正的房地产经纪人正在向国会施压一是信用卡的范围得到扩大。如果失败的话,上升的销售趋势就会反向发展。

5.If carved too much to cover up its own texture and color of wood, as the builders did not take.如雕花过多,掩盖了木质本身的纹理与色彩,为匠人所不取。

6.Unions have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the ship builders .工会从来没有象造船商那样冷血地进行区分。

7."The builders will be held responsible if the building work is found to be shoddy, " he said.左代夫说:“如果调查发现建筑不合标准,建筑商将被追究责任。”

8.The agency expects that builders will continue to either cut back on or stabipze their land purchases for at least the next six months.惠誉国际还预计,在未来至少六个月内,建造商将继续减少购地或保持购地数量不变.(完)

9.Because this group tends to be skilled at building social networks, she calls these people group builders.因为这群人擅长建立社交圈,所以被称为构建者。

10.If the ancient builders of these walls were still apve today, they would be proud to see such a great change in the roles of their walls.如果这些古老城墙的建造者如今依然健在,他们一定会为自己修建城墙的作用有如此巨大的转变而自豪。