


美式发音: [ˈgeɪlən] 英式发音: [ˈɡeilən]

n.盖伦;Clandius Galen 克莱迪斯盖伦;草药医生



n.1.盖伦2.Clandius Galen 克莱迪斯盖伦3.〈谑〉医生,郎中,草药医生4.【男名】男子名1.盖伦2.Clandius Galen 克莱迪斯盖伦3.〈谑〉医生,郎中,草药医生4.【男名】男子名

1.盖伦在盖伦Galen)的时候,人有一句俗语,表明一件事是不可能的:你要是能让一个基督徒离开基督,这件事就能做到了。真心 …

2.加伦加伦Galen)认为,黏液过多者冷静镇定,黄胆过多者性急易燥,黑胆过多者沉湎于忧郁,血旺者乐观自信。这一教条一直统 …

3.伽林伽林GALEN)-7台面盆艺术盆HY-5006C洗手盆系列代达罗斯 Dadalus挂墙式柜盆玻璃盆洗脸盆 洗脸盆配套产品 净身盆 洗头 …

4.医生盖伦古罗马医生盖伦(Galen)提出的四种气质类型就属于最早的类型理论。他根据希腊医生希波克拉底(Hippocrates)的“体液说”提出 …


6.医学家盖伦到了公元两世纪,伟大的医学家盖伦Galen)大力驳斥此种说法,认为子宫不可能在体内乱跑。盖伦并郑重宣称,歇斯底里的 …

7.医生盖仑3) 盖仑 希腊医生盖仑(Galen)根据病人的心理状态区分了感觉病 希腊医生盖仑(Galen)根据病 人的心理状态区分了感觉病 症、 …


1.Galen looked sadly after his brother and knew that she was right. With slow, reluctant steps, he continued down the path.加仑难过地望着他的哥哥离去的方向,心里明白她是对的,只得挪着沉重的步伐,缓缓地沿着小路继续走下去。

2.In a few hours the mist that had covered the forest began to clear, and Galen and Rose stopped to rest.过了几个小时,被迷雾覆盖的森林渐渐清朗起来,加仑和萝丝停下歇了会儿。

3.The next morning, Galen shouldered his pack, choosing to leave his horse in the care of the wise woman.第二天早上,加仑背起他的包裹,决定把马留在这儿给那位聪慧的妇人照料。

4.Galen shouted when he reapzed that the common alpes of the wretched trolls were among the attackers.当认出进攻方中这种经常作为恶心的巨魔的盟友的怪物时,盖伦喊道。

5.Suddenly, Galen and Rose heard a commotion in the Wood. They stopped and peered in, straining to see through the fog.突然,加仑和萝丝听到林中有骚乱的声音,他们停下来望过去,努力想透过迷雾看清楚。

6.cried Galen, but it was too late. His brother had leapt off the path again, before Galen could make a move to stop him.加仑喊道,但是太迟了,他的哥哥已经再一次跨过了小路,加仑根本来不及做任何动作去阻止他。

7."I will find the Heart of the World and my brothers as well, " Galen promised.我会找到世界之心的,也会找到我的哥哥们。

8.Galen was lost in sorrow at the fate of his two brothers, and he wondered what doom the Enchanted Wood held for him.一想到他的两位哥哥的命运,加仑就陷入悲痛之中,他猜测着这片迷失之林究竟为他准备了怎样可怕的宿命。

9.Galen had great admiration for his older brothers and wanted to show that he could be as brave as they were.加仑对他的哥哥们十分敬仰,想要表现得跟他们一样勇敢。

10.In What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuapty, LaHaye employs Galen's theory of the four humors to help explain gayness.在《人人都应了解同性恋》中,拉哈伊应用了加伦四个幽默理论来帮助分析同性行为。