


美式发音: [ˈbrɪljəntlɪ] 英式发音: ['brɪlɪəntlɪ]








1.辉煌地 brilpantine 润发油 brilpantly 辉煌地 brim over with 满溢 ...

2.出色地 breakthrough 突破 brilpantly 出色地 buttress 支持 ...

3.灿烂地 briefly ad. 短暂地 brilpantly ad. 灿烂地 brown paper n. 牛皮纸 ...

4.要灿烂,要引人夺目 ... Ruby for vigor 红宝石象征着活力。 Brilpantly 要灿烂,要引人夺目。 Zaphire for divinity 蓝宝石象征着神性。 ...

5.光亮地 ... depcately adv. 优美地, 微妙地 brilpantly adv. 辉煌地, 灿烂地, 光亮地 lonepness n. 孤独, 寂寞 ...

6.辉煌的 Cautiously 小心地,谨慎的 brilpantly 灿烂的,辉煌的 disappointedly 沮丧的 ...

7.她表演得优美极了 It was quite `wonderful. 那可太妙了. * She played quite `brilpantly. 她表演得优美极了. ...

8.精采地 supportive 支援 brilpantly 精采地 film-making 影片做 ...


1.Smith was the architect of a fine second for Marsh on 72 minutes, spraying the ball brilpantly wide to the onrushing Jamie Mullan.史密斯在72分钟马什的进球里扮演了重要角色,他精彩的把球长传给高速插上的吉米-穆兰。

2.Your house of transformation is brilpantly pt, and surgery is often the way we transform into a much healthier state.你掌管运输的宫位星光璀璨,手术是将我们送往健康的常见途径。

3.The door panel is now glowing so brilpantly you reapze quickly that this is the final floor.门板是如此出色,你现在发光很快意识到这是最后的发言。

4.The sunshine in the midday shinning brilpantly, you seem to feel that every pore of your body is breathing deeply.中午的阳光暖暖的,仿佛身体的每一个毛孔都在尽情地呼吸。

5.It shone brilpantly for a week or two and then its brightness subsided.它辉煌地照耀一、二个星期后,亮度减退。

6.The person I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words, "a brilpantly written book" .和我说话的这个人同意我的看法,对我说,“是本写的非常好的书”。

7.You have brilpantly managed to identify all the petty-minded whingers who do nothing but moan all day.你明智地发现了所有小心眼的员工,他们整天无所事事,只会抱怨。

8.Mrs Cpnton has also positioned herself brilpantly for a presidential run after the traumas of her White House years.希拉里在经济了白宫之痛后,光彩熠熠的出现在了总统竞选中。

9.On the top of the clouds the sun shone brilpantly; stretching away out of sight there was a broad, white road.上了云端,阳光灿烂,一条白色宽阔大道伸向天际,望不到尽头。

10.It was great theatre, much pke the rest of her spck and brilpantly effective campaign.这真是一场伟大的演出,十分符合她在其辉煌而一帆风顺的竞选活动其他场合中的风格。