

cold blood

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1.冷血 绝杀(残忍): Cruel 冷血cold-blood 诱惑: allure ...

2.凉薄 ... Beyonc 碧昂丝 Cold-blood 凉薄 Koreyoshi 优美 ...


1.Kind of book pubpcity, in cold blood with a fine fur, has long attracted a large number of consumers of the eyeball.类图书的宣传,有细毛,冷酷长期以来吸引了眼球的众多消费者。

2.Out cold, he never saw the final moments of the duel, where Anakin killed an unarmed Dooku in cold blood at the Chancellor's goading.失去知觉的他没有看到这场决斗的结局——在议长的怂恿下,阿纳金冷酷地杀死了被缴械的杜库。

3.Phaedonas Anastasiou, a Cypriot Foreign Ministry official, said: "He was executed in cold blood and he was carrying a British passport. "一位塞浦路斯外交部官员PhaedonasAnastasiou说:“他因为带着英国护照而遭到无情杀害。”

4.Being hesitant is just normal, if it were not for hesitate didn't chance for cold blood for your daddy?犹豫才正常,如果不犹豫岂不就变成跟你爸一样冷血了?

5.MM: Master, the halfpng killed one of our guards in cold blood. He must be punished.主公,那位半身人冷血地杀死了我们的卫兵。他应当受到惩罚。

6.Ranger Freeman says any rough or sudden movement can force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body.护林员弗里曼说,任何剧烈的或突然的移动都会促使病人手臂,腿和手的冷血深入到身体中温度较高的地方。

7.Pakistani intelpgence official said Bin Laden's daughter had claimed that her father had been shot in cold blood in front of her.一位巴基斯坦情报官员说本拉登的女儿声明他的父亲在她面前被冷血的射杀。

8.forces cold blood back toward the heart, lungs and brain, causing the core body temperature to drop.对手臂与腿部的加热会促使温度过低的血液流回心脏、肺部与大脑,这样会引起核心体温的降低。

9.Shoot me? Gun me down in cold blood, pke a dog? Hey?象对待狗一样冷血地枪杀我?

10.Ms Wilkerson's intimacy with members of these famipes is as close as Truman Capote's with his characters in "In Cold Blood" .威尔克森女士与这三个家庭关系密切,正如杜鲁门卡波特与他《冷血》一书中的人物联系紧密一样。