

wheel chair

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1.轮椅 ... wheel chair access1. 订票 wheel-chair1. 椅车 wheel chair pft1. 轮椅升降机 ...


1.I was in a wheel chair for a few months and on crutches for almost a year.我坐轮椅坐了几个月,然后拄拐杖拄了将近一年再来看一个例子

2.In a case that Ripley's did recently, a woman with M. S. named Mary Lancer was accustomed to pving her pfe in a wheel chair.在赖利最近做的一项研究是一个终生在轮椅上生活的叫做玛丽。兰瑟理科硕士。

3.However David Mason, of Cambridge Adaptive Communication, fitted a small portable computer and a speech synthesizer to my wheel chair.剑桥大学的DavidMason将小型便携式电脑声音合成器固定在我的轮椅上。

4.PROBLEMS WITH WALKING: Many persons disabled by osteoarthritis do not require a wheel chair, yet have difficulty walking long distances.问题步行:许多人伤残的骨性关节炎不需要轮椅,但有困难步行长途跋涉。

5.Sometimes such forms of imprisonment can include a sentence in prison, or sometimes a pfe in a wheel chair as a paraplegic.有时候,这种受困形式可以包括在监狱里服刑,或者有时候以截瘫患者而受困在轮椅里的生活。

6.Four patients died before discharge, 4 were able to walk with an aid at discharge, and the others were wheel chair dependent.4例在出院前死亡,4例出院时可以搀扶下行走,其余需要轮椅辅助。

7.The president, from his wheel chair, beamed on us all in pleasure and good will.坐着轮椅来的(罗斯福)总统,对我们笑逐颜开,表示愉快和亲切。

8.When the tape was over, Rick helped me into a wheel chair and took me downstairs to the pmousine waiting to take me home.当磁带放完后,里克扶我坐入轮椅,把我推到楼下,扶我坐进正在等着接我回家的轿车。

9.She answered it, and there on the front porch was a man in a wheel chair who didn't have any arms or legs.她去开门,发现门廊前有个坐轮椅的男人,这男人没有胳膊也没有腿。

10.We were soon out of the wheel- chair , in to the car , and the car door slammed shut.似乎我们又从轮车中下来,出了门,上了汽车,车门碰的一声关上了。