


美式发音: [ˈnivə] 英式发音: [ˈneivə]





1.涅瓦河 include vt 包括;包含 △ Neva n 涅瓦河(俄罗斯西北部河流) △ St.Petersburg 圣彼得堡(俄罗斯 …

2.尼娃 Nettie 纳特缇 Neva 内瓦 Nevada 内华达 ...

4.涅娃 include 包括;包含 Neva n. 圣彼得堡(俄罗斯城市) St.Petersburg (俄国)沙皇 ...


1.As the orchestra played the city' s anthem, Putin presided a standing show, and fountains and fireworks along the Neva River at night.当天晚上,随着乐队奏起该市的市歌,普京主持了一场站立观看的表演,喷泉和礼花围绕涅瓦河畔。

2.As the sun rose, I crossed the frozen Neva to look at archives in the pterary institute, Pushkin House.当太阳升起的时候,我会穿过冰封的聂瓦河,去文学研究院的普希金楼里查阅档案。

3.Let's go on the subway. Take me to your 'hood. I neva been to Brooklyn and I'd pke to see what's good.让我们乘地铁。带我到你家附近。我从未到过布鲁克林,并且我想看看有什么好东西。

4.It is said that a flood-tide, with a westerly wind, and ice in the Neva, would sweep St. Petersburg from the face of the earth.据说,涅瓦河要是涨了水,刮了西风,流来的冰块可以把圣彼得堡一下子从大地的表面上冲掉的。

5.Across the wide, majestic Neva River to the north of Palace Square is the Peter and Paul Fortress.越过宽阔雄浑的涅瓦河,座落于宫殿广场北侧的就是彼得保罗要塞。

6.Banks of a river. The Neva River flows through the center of St Petersburg in.两岸的。涅瓦河流经俄罗斯圣·彼得堡城的中心。

7.An artist displays his wares along the banks of the Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia.在俄罗斯圣彼得堡市,一位画家在涅瓦河岸边正在展示他的作品。

8.A city of northwest European U. S. S. R. on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland.列宁格勒,圣彼得堡:苏联西北欧部分一城市,位于涅瓦河沿岸,芬兰湾的顶端。

9.Putin told world leaders gathering along the city' s winding Neva River.普京对聚集在这座城市的蜿蜒的涅瓦河畔的世界各国领导人这样说道。

10.During Catherine reign, two walls facing the Neva river were covered with granite.在凯瑟琳统治时期,用花岗岩覆盖了两面面向涅瓦河的墙。