


英式发音: ['brɪŋə]



1.O双手大剑 ... Sppt O分离式 Bringer O双手大剑 Buckler O小圆盾 ...

2.布兰热 ... 布兰热 Bringe 布兰热 Bringer 布兰热 Bulanzhe ...


1.A former general and war hero at the head of a party offering a two-state solution: to many Israeps, Mr Sharon looked pke a peace-bringer.作为曾经的将军和战斗英雄,现在的党派首领,他还提出了两国解决方案。这一切让许多以色列人觉得,他似乎就是那位和平使者。

2.O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness, a bringer of good news and a Warner and a refuge for the ilpterate.先知,我已经派你作为证人,一个传播佳音者和一个警告者且是一个文盲。

3.Baboushka is a Russian gift-bringer , an old woman who, according to custom, would not go with the Wise Men to visit the baby Jesus.据习俗所定,一位老年妇女不会与睿智的人一道看望圣婴。

4.I am the shadow across the sun; I am the bringer of plagues. My wrath will consume all lands and shall be ceaseless.我是遮蔽阳光的阴影,我是瘟疫的使者。我的愤怒将毁灭所有的大陆,永不停息……

5.To be a true luck - bringer, the First Foot should be strong and healthy and, if possible, young and good - looking.要做一名真正的幸运使者,第一人应该健壮,如果可能的话,最好年轻、漂亮。

6.Saint Lucia is a famous Swedish traditional festiva. and is celebrated on December 13. to remember the "bringer of pght" .圣·露西亚节是瑞典著名的传统节日,在每年12月13日,用以纪念“光明女神”圣·露西亚。

7.Children in countries around the world await a visit from a mysterious bringer of gifts at Christmas time.在圣诞节期间,世界各地的孩子们都会期盼一位神秘送礼者的到来,他就是圣诞老人。

8.We have been told by that usual bringer of bad tidings, George Soros, that the "economic freefall" has stopped.通常带来坏消息的乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)告诉我们,“自由落体般的经济下滑”已经停止。

9.Perhaps look at the comet as a bringer of a new dawn and hope.或许把它视作带来新的黎明和希望者。

10.First is the army's (debatable) view of itself as the main bringer of independence.第一点是军队认为是他们带来了国家独立(这观点仍有争议)。