



美式发音: ['netɪd] 英式发音: ['netɪd]





复数:nets  过去分词:netted  现在分词:netting  



1.[u]网;网状物a type of material that is made of string, thread or wire twisted or tied together, with small spaces in between

net curtains网眼帘子

2.[c]有专门用途的网a piece of net used for a particular purpose, such as catching fish or covering sth

fishing nets渔网

a mosquito net(= used to protect you from mosquitoes )蚊帐

3.[sing]球门网the frame covered in net that forms the goal

to kick the ball into the back of the net把球踢进网窝

4.[sing]球网the piece of net between the two players that the ball goes over


1.[ubn]净得的;纯的anet amount of money is the amount that remains when nothing more is to be taken away

a net profit of £500500 英镑的纯利润

net income/earnings(= after tax has been paid)纯收入

2.[obn]净的thenet weight of sth is the weight without its container or the material it is wrapped in

450 gms net weight净重 450 克

3.[obn]最后的;最终的final, after all the important facts have been included

The net result is that small shopkeepers are being forced out of business.最终结果是小店主被迫停业。

Canada is now a substantial net importer of medicines(= it imports more than it exports) .加拿大现在是一个药物净进口大国。

a net gain最终收益


1.~ sth净赚;净得to earn an amount of money as a profit after you have paid tax on it

The sale of paintings netted £17 000.卖画净得 17 000 英镑。

2.~ sth(尤指)用网捕捉(鱼等)to catch sth, especially fish, in a net

3.~ sb/sth(巧妙地)捕获,得到to catch sb or obtain sth in a skilful way

A swoop by customs officers netted a large quantity of drugs.海关人员突击搜查,缉获大量毒品。

4.~ sth(将球)踢入球门,射入球门to kick or hit a ball into the goal score

He has netted 21 goals so far this season.这个赛季至今他已射入 21 球。

5.~ sth用网覆盖to cover sth with a net or nets

n.1.纯利; 净值;实价;纯量, 净数, 净重2.网,网眼织物,(花边的)织物3.网状物,网状组织,网状系统,通信网4.最后的定论;最权威的结论5.(乒乓,网球的)球网;落网球6.罗网,陷阱7.(蜘)蛛网8.〔金〕净价,净值9.网;网眼;网罟10.球门网11.网络12.点阵平面13.三硝混剂14.垭口15.屋檐形粗砂岩壁16.日本教育电视17.山鞍1.纯利; 净值;实价;纯量, 净数, 净重2.网,网眼织物,(花边的)织物3.网状物,网状组织,网状系统,通信网4.最后的定论;最权威的结论5.(乒乓,网球的)球网;落网球6.罗网,陷阱7.(蜘)蛛网8.〔金〕净价,净值9.网;网眼;网罟10.球门网11.网络12.点阵平面13.三硝混剂14.垭口15.屋檐形粗砂岩壁16.日本教育电视17.山鞍



n.1.a net profit or weight2.a material made from threads or wires knotted, twisted, or woven to form a regular pattern with spaces between the threads3.a golfer's final score after his or her handicap has been deducted4.a piece of meshwork fabric in a shape resembpng a bag that is used for holding, carrying, trapping, or confining something5.a fine pght cotton or synthetic fabric with an open weave6.a plan or system designed to select or restrict somebody or something7.in basketball, an open-bottomed piece of meshwork material attached to the hoop of the basket8.in some sports such as tennis and volleyball, a strip of meshwork material that divides a court into halves and over which the players must hit a ball or shuttlecock9.in some sports such as soccer and water polo, a goal with a backing made of meshwork material10.a television or radio network11.a telecommunications or computer network12.in cricket, an indoor or outdoor practice pitch surrounded on three sides by nets that contain the ball after it has been hit13.in cricket, a session on a practice pitch14.material made of string or rope woven into a loose pattern with spaces in it, or a piece of this15.a system in which a set of computers are able to communicate with each other16.the internet1.a net profit or weight2.a material made from threads or wires knotted, twisted, or woven to form a regular pattern with spaces between the threads3.a golfer's final score after his or her handicap has been deducted4.a piece of meshwork fabric in a shape resembpng a bag that is used for holding, carrying, trapping, or confining something5.a fine pght cotton or synthetic fabric with an open weave6.a plan or system designed to select or restrict somebody or something7.in basketball, an open-bottomed piece of meshwork material attached to the hoop of the basket8.in some sports such as tennis and volleyball, a strip of meshwork material that divides a court into halves and over which the players must hit a ball or shuttlecock9.in some sports such as soccer and water polo, a goal with a backing made of meshwork material10.a television or radio network11.a telecommunications or computer network12.in cricket, an indoor or outdoor practice pitch surrounded on three sides by nets that contain the ball after it has been hit13.in cricket, a session on a practice pitch14.material made of string or rope woven into a loose pattern with spaces in it, or a piece of this15.a system in which a set of computers are able to communicate with each other16.the internet

adj.1.remaining from an amount, especially of money, after all necessary deductions have been made2.relating to contents only, excluding the container or the packaging3.general or overall, after positive and negative features have been weighed against each other4.a net amount of money is the total amount after taxes or costs have been removed5.a net effect or result is the final one, after everything has been considered6.the net weight of something is its weight without its container1.remaining from an amount, especially of money, after all necessary deductions have been made2.relating to contents only, excluding the container or the packaging3.general or overall, after positive and negative features have been weighed against each other4.a net amount of money is the total amount after taxes or costs have been removed5.a net effect or result is the final one, after everything has been considered6.the net weight of something is its weight without its container

v.1.to catch or snare somebody or something in a net2.to earn or provide a sum of money as pure profit after all necessary deductions have been made3.to manage to obtain or achieve something4.to cover something with a net in order to keep something else out or away5.to make a net by knotting, twisting, or weaving threads or wires together6.in games such as soccer, to hit the ball into the net so as to score7.in games such as tennis and volleyball, to hit the ball into the net so as to lose a serve, and sometimes a point8.to manage to get or do something, usually by using clever methods9.to earn a particular amount of money after taxes or other costs have been removed10.catch(fish,animals,etc.)with or in a net11.cover(eg.fruit trees)with a net or nets1.to catch or snare somebody or something in a net2.to earn or provide a sum of money as pure profit after all necessary deductions have been made3.to manage to obtain or achieve something4.to cover something with a net in order to keep something else out or away5.to make a net by knotting, twisting, or weaving threads or wires together6.in games such as soccer, to hit the ball into the net so as to score7.in games such as tennis and volleyball, to hit the ball into the net so as to lose a serve, and sometimes a point8.to manage to get or do something, usually by using clever methods9.to earn a particular amount of money after taxes or other costs have been removed10.catch(fish,animals,etc.)with or in a net11.cover(eg.fruit trees)with a net or nets

na.1.National Educational Television2网址被屏蔽working organization

1.网状的 netsuke 悬锤 netted 网状的 netting 网 ...

2.用网捕获的 ... network n.网络,网状物,广播网 netted 用网捕获的,网状的 formation n.形成,构成,编队 ...

3.净赚 ... The sale netted me a good profit. 这次销售使我获得巨利。 (netted; netting) 净赚[得] dollars net 实价五美元 ...

4.净赚得 Don’t go to the fishpond without a net. 不带鱼网,别去鱼塘。 (netted; netting) 净赚得。 (netted; netting) 净赚得。 ...

5.纳蒂德  最近,享有“互联网界奥斯卡”之称的威比奖(Webby Award)的网站推介平台纳蒂德Netted)将免费大米被评为2011年最佳 …

6.因特网前不久,致力于搜罗各式优秀网站的威比网(the Webbys)线上刊物《因特网》(Netted)将Freerice评为2011年最佳慈善网 …

7.净值化在每个周期,支付都将被净值化netted) XE "净值化(扎差, netted)" \y "jingzhihua" \i 而仅仅代表本金的一小部分。暴露来 …


1.Netted arm guards near the propellers help keep the rest of him intact.飞机两旁靠近螺旋桨附近的网状物可以保护他身体的其他部位保持完整。

2.Nathan Eccleston made it a debut to remember when he netted the winner for Huddersfield Town against Yeovil Town on Saturday.内森-埃斯克林顿上演难忘的处子秀,周六他为哈德斯菲尔德在面对耶奥维尔的比赛中打进制胜一球。

3.She had just been for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the pttle waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes.她刚刚在河中划了一会船,给细浪罩上一层金网的太阳似乎也把她罩在网中了。

4.She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the pttle waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes.她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。

5.It was Rui's first strike since the summer when he netted in Trieste against Juventus and then Chelsea in New York.这还是鲁伊自从夏天在蒂利亚斯特对尤文的比赛,以及之后在纽约对切尔西的比赛进球后的第一进球。

6.torching In fisheries, attracting fish at night by means of a pght so they may be easily netted.以光集鱼渔业用词,晚上时候经由亮光来吸引鱼,因此可能会容易的用网捕获。

7.Credit default swaps are being netted and torn up; banks are trying to unwind swaps and other derivatives.信用违约互换正在被收回和撕毁;银行正试图分拆互换和其他衍生品。

8.Captain Steven Gerrard was the hero when he netted the late winner from a stunning free-kick to give the Reds all three points.队长杰拉德成为了英雄,当他惊人的任意球入网后为利物浦全取三分。

9.Dirk Kuyt netted his first ever hat-trick in a red shirt and Luis Suarez's display on the day was out of this world.库伊特完成了他在红军的第一个帽子戏法,苏亚雷斯当天的表演也棒极了。

10.That number would be far smaller if banks' positions were netted out for offsetting exposures.如果考虑到对冲敞口头寸银行的位置被排除,这个数字将小的多。