


美式发音: [brɪt] 英式发音: [brɪt]






1.英国人a person from Britain



n.1.someone who comes from the U.K.

na.1.The variant of britt

1.英国人 2. arrogant: 自大的,傲慢的。 5. Brit: 〈口〉英国人。 6. vice versa: 反之亦然。 ...

2.小鲱鱼 Bristol 布里斯托尔 brit 小鲱鱼 brit.mus. 不列颠博物馆 ...

3.布里特 Brigitte 布丽奇特 Brit 布里特 Britain 布列登 ...

4.Border Regions in Transition Woman 女香 Brit 风格 AnnaSui 安娜苏 ...


1.but it strikes me as a bit of a coincidence that Nick is name-dropping Brit now when Backstreet's got an album coming out soon.但我觉得这有点巧合的是,尼克是擅用他人名义英国人现在,当后街的相簿了出来不久。

2.Ronaldo revealed that he did not know what is Coronation Street until he was told that the Brit population is absolutely obsessed with it.罗纳尔多透露,他一直不知道什么是“加冕街”,直到有人告诉他这是英国最受欢迎的一部肥皂剧,大家都着迷于它。

3.If I was not a self-effacing Brit. I would mention the book myself, and I would add that it's available in paperback.如果我不是一个谦逊的英国人的话,我会自己提到这本书,而且还会告诉大家它有平装版。

4.Klass was appearing on Loose Women to talk about her return to work as the host of the Classical Brit Awards tomorrow.Klass出现在《放松女人》,谈论她明天返回工作岗位继续做全英古典音乐奖的主持人。

5.The Design Museum in London has announced the shortpst for annual exhibition and awards program the Brit Insurance Design Awards .设计博物馆在伦敦宣布入围的年度展览及奖励计划的英国保险设计奖。

6.A Brit, a Frenchman and a Russian are viewing a painting of Adam and Eve fropcking in the Garden of Eden.英国人、法国人和俄国人一起看着一幅亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里嬉戏的画。

7.She was out again the next evening for a Thursday night AA meeting, where X17 caught up with Brit exclusively.第二天晚上,即周四她又出去赴约,当时x17独家报道了该消息。

8.BRIT: He come home from work you sleep, and then get back to work, you know, that's no pfe, for any of us.布瑞特:他每天下班回家就睡觉,睡完觉然后又去上班。对于我们两个人而言,这样几乎没有什么夫妻生活。

9.within two years she had won the BRIT Awards' Critics' Choice prize and been tipped by the BBC as the "Sound of 2008" .不到两年,她就获得了全英音乐大奖中的“乐评人奖”,并被BBC称为“2008年度之音”。

10.This breed of snobbish, opinionated Brit (let's abbreviate that to Sob) tends not to have visited the United States very much, if at all.这种顽固又势利的英国人(我们就简称他们做势利鬼吧)往往很少来美国参观,或者根本没来过。