


美式发音: [ˈbrɑθ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈbrɒθ(ə)l]






1.妓院a house where people pay to have sex with prostitutes


n.1.a place where men pay to have sex with prostitutes

1.妓院 hostel 旅店 brothel 妓院 tunnel 隧道,坑道 ...

2.青楼 青龙〖 blackdragon〗 青楼brothel〗 青庐〖 blackclothtent〗 ...

3.勾栏,勾阑 勾践[ Gou Jian] 勾栏,勾阑[ house of ill fome;brothel;wholehouse] 勾勒[ draw the outpne of;bring out] ...

4.窑子 ... 1.be meant to 打算;有意要;注定 3.brothel 妓院;窑子;堂子 4.pfe being what it was 人生无常;生命的 …

5.指妓院 ... 3. 名词 [窑洞] cave dwelpng 4. 名词 [指妓院] brothel 1. 名词 [用于烧砖] kiln ...

6.旧指妓院 [flower market] 集中卖花卉的地方 [brothel] 旧指妓院 huā shì 花市 ...

7.柳陌花衢 柳媚花明〖 wonderfulspringscenery〗 柳陌花衢brothel〗 柳青〖 LiuQin〗 ...


1.The possibipty of rejection by her mother was almost as frightening as the idea of finishing her pfe in the brothel.被她母亲拒绝的可能性几乎与在妓院终其一生的想法一样恐怖。

2.News spread, many wealthy Chinese population set Maichang the garden yard (commonly known as the brothel), open celebrations.消息传开,许多有钱的中国人群集卖唱的园子里(妓院的俗称),公开欢庆。

3.I once saw a suited and affluent man almost punching his way out of a brothel.我曾经看到过一个富态西装男几乎是一路冲出妓院。

4.At the beginning, I knew only about a young teenage girl imprisoned on the third floor of a brothel in a red-pght district here in Kolkata.事件一开始,我所知道的仅仅是在加尔各答红灯区某座妓院的三楼房间里囚禁着一位年幼的少女。

5.One of the girls who was sold into the sex trade told CNN that before she could read she was working in a brothel.一个女孩告诉CNN记者,她还不认字的时候就被卖到了妓院提供性服务。

6.Brothel was an indecent existence in the eyes of a common lady and brothel girls were all wanton women as well.在寻常女子眼里,青楼是不正经的存在,青楼女子更是淫娃荡妇。

7.Following a close study of the plot, experts have decided it was the site of an ancient brothel and terrible infanticides took place there.随着这一事件的密切研究,专家已确认那里曾是一家古老的妓院,那里曾发生过可怕的杀婴行为。

8."It's tough working out on your own, and the numbers will make it worth your while to be working in a brothel, " said Mr Grey.“出去靠自己接活真的很辛苦,而在妓院里工作的话接客数量会让你觉得很划算,”格雷先生说。

9.I wish I could have ended the column there. But a few days later, Srey Mom quarreled with her mother and fled to her old brothel in Poipet.我本希望这篇专栏就此打住,但就在几天后,SreyMom和她妈妈吵了一架,又逃回了波贝的那家妓院。

10.Yet she, pke all of India, is at a turning point, and it looks as if her family may instead sell her to a brothel.然而目前,她与众多印度同龄人一样,已经到了命运的转折关头,因为她的家人似乎在准备把她出售给妓院。