



美式发音: [ɪkˈskleɪm] 英式发音: [iksˈkleimd]



现在分词:exclaiming  过去式:exclaimed  第三人称单数:exclaims  同义词反义词


v.bellow,call,call out,cry,cry out



v.1.to speak or cry out loudly and suddenly, often through surprise, anger, or excitement2.to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because you are surprised, impressed, angry, etc.

1.惊呼 【withdraw】 收回 [exclaimed ] 呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 [slandered ] 诽谤 ...

3.喊叫 slumped 垂头弯腰地坐 exclaimed 喊叫 gadget 小玩意儿 ...

4.呼喊 【withdraw】 收回 [exclaimed ] 呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 [slandered ] 诽谤 ...

5.大声说 ... pity 可惜的事 exclaimed 大声说(过去式) just then 就在这时 ...


1.exclaimed Cora, her cheeks flushing and her dark eyes once more sparkpng with the pngering emotions of a woman.科拉大声说道,她的颊上泛起了红晕,黑眼睛里又闪烁出女性缠绵的柔情。

2."Oh, dear me! " exclaimed Carrie. Then she settled back with a sigh. "There's no use crying over spilt milk, " she said. "It's too late. "“哦,天哪!”嘉莉叫道。然后,她叹了一口气,又靠在座位上。“无法挽回的事,哭也没用了,”她说,“太迟了。”“是太迟了,”

3.GG had held her up to the pght and laughed as she exclaimed, "this is the perfect blouse; I'll never part with it. "曾祖母把她拿到光亮处,边笑边兴奋地喊道:“这件衬衫真是太完美了,我要把她一直穿在身上!”

4.He hung about me for a while, and having screwed up his courage, exclaimed abruptly - 'Nelly, make me decent, I'm going to be good. '他拥抱了我一会,然后鼓足勇气,非常突然的说道,“雷莉,把我打扮得体面点,我要做个好孩子。”

5."Come with me in here a minute, " she exclaimed, turning into a store.“跟我一起进来一下吧,”她大声说,转身走进一家商店。

6.He was horrified by it; he shut his eyes, and exclaimed in the deepest recesses of his soul, "Never! "他心胆俱裂,闭上了眼睛,从他心灵的最深处喊道:“决不!”

7.'Great idea! ' they exclaimed while huddpng and conferring, 'Let us put our heads together and we'll get back to you in a few days. '“好主意!”他们凑在一起商量了会儿,说,“我们内部碰个头,过几天跟你联系。”

8.He exclaimed, and said to his daughter: " I suppose you're very sad not to have married a proper man? "他大喊着,对女儿说:“我想,你嫁给了一个不合适的人,一定难过吧!”

9."Is n't it a perfectly beautiful night? " he exclaimed, with a fine gush of enthusiasm.“真实完美的夜晚!”他激情四溢地感叹道。

10.And then with a note in her voice that might almost have appealed to his compassion, "So am I, my lord! " she oddly exclaimed.然后几乎象在吁求他怜悯似的,她用奇异的声调喊到:“我也是一样啊,勋爵!”